Event Guide 144: Festival under the Clock, DLR Enterprise Week, Migrant Workshop, Poetry Now
| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 144
| 19 March 2010 Subscribers: 6050
Hi all!
St. Patrick’s Day is behind us and amazingly some bit of spring came with it. I still hope for an amazing summer and I hope you join me in this! ;-)
I didn’t go to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, but saw some of it on TV and saw some photos afterwards and a thought came to mind: Is the St. Patrick’s Day still a celebration of St. Patrick’s Day or Ireland? I got the impression that the majority of contributions (music and floats and dancers) could easily be taken and planted to any other country of the world and would make there as much sense as here. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying the parade is bad, but I wonder if it would make sense maybe to come back again to more Ireland-related themes? This year the theme was “Extraordinary World” and it just doesn’t grab me as anything that has to do with Irish Culture or Heritage. I know there is a lot of green shown on that day, but maybe there is more to St. Patrick’s Day? Let me know your opinion by e-mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com
This coming week brings a good few events again but most of them are to a certain degree regular events and lectures. Only the Festival under the Clock in Rathmines is different and very unique. Have a look at the Saturday section to find out more.
Last week I told you about a video clip and then forgot to include the link! Dooooh! So let me this week repeat last week’s message but this time add the link:
For this week’s “Feel Good Slot” I chose a video clip that Carry sent to me. Thanks Carry! It is very simple, just a song by singer/songwriter Brian Flynn. Listen to his “Song of Inspiration” and bring the message with you into next week. “For every cry of desperation…there is a song of inspiration and a light to show us how to carry on”.
Last week Mike G was the only helpful person when he decided to help the Dublin Event Guide with a donation! Thanks! If you like the Event Guide and want to help covering the cost, go to www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm.
To keep this newsletter going in its current form and to improve the layout and readability your help is needed! You can donate as much as you want or can, but if you need some guidance, maybe consider just ONE Euro per month or – to make it more practical – a donation of 12 Euro per year (that is just 25 cent per newsletter).Over the last two years only about 2% of the subscribers have donated anything, so I definitely need YOU too to help me keeping this newsletter going.
You can donate using PayPal or your credit card by following this link to the PayPal donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm if you want to transfer money to my bank, just drop me a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.
This Event Guide is sponsored by Esme E, Cliodhna D, Brian L, Padraig S, Kathie S, Orla niF, Jef B, Susanna N, Kate C, Nicola J, Claus Sch, Gordon S, Jeanne M, Fiona O’C, Marta M, Angela C, Isabelle F, Saundra S, Meisoon N, Ruth F, Valerie McN, Estelle O, Aoife M, Mairin M, Fionán O’L, Maeve L, Blaithin O’D, Ciara D, Mike G, Andrej G, Deirdre R, Vanessa O’L, Chris McK, Frank B, Dolores P, Cornelia K, Cathy A, Orla C, Kevin McC, Steph G, Wanda J, Siv M-J, Niamh niS, Gwen H, Jasmin T, Ian O, Eva C, Will P, Gráinne P, Caroline R, Elizabeth F, Suzanne B, Adele G, Jack C, Keeva H, Mairead MacM, Niamh G, Siobhan C, Jackie B, Penny O’D, Kathryn K, Aidan G, Ciara G, Deirdre L, Stephen D, Mary Q, Donald P, Aidan C, Julia Sch, Isak R-B, Sharon O’S, Brajan V, Nancy O’D, Zelie McG, Niamh K, Jennie R, Semin S, Gavin H, David G, Becky B, Emer niB, Niamh N, Esme E, Ciaran H, Louis M, Gerard Ph, Monika E, Mark K, James O’H, Pere SC, Marsha D, Sarah McC, Patrick O’C, Sandra R, Christoph Sch, Deirdre O’B, Ellen C, Eimear O’F, Luna B, Leslie C, Elaine McH, Elva O’G, Deirdre G, Martin O’M, Maeve C, Ciara O’C, Sarah D, Patrick C, John O’R, Brian C, Brian R, Caroline C, Elaina O’N, Eilis C, Sandra R, Geraldine D, Nora W, Rachel M, Renata V, Carine S, Ruairi O’G, Donna D, Clare D, Tuna Y, Lisa S-O’G, Aga G, Anna B, Ian S, Joan W, Brian R, Bear N, Sebastian B, Tina M, Will McA, Siobhan H, Soeren G, Sheila McC, Regina Q, Marc F, Kieran O’C, Alan S, Orla K, Mike G and www.stickyfingerstravel.com (The travel guide for parents travelling with their children.), www.flamencoindalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, located at 6 Merrion Square, which supports contemporary Irish artists.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and low priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.kravmagaireland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.
All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.
______Joerg’s Picks______________
This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.
Are you planning your summer holidays? Check out BudgetPlaces.com for affordable holiday accommodation. “Save on the hotel. Spend on the fun.” For Easter, Budget Places has a selection of hotels, hostels, apartments and B&Bs from an unbeatable EUR 19.00! And if you use the voucher code BGPLEASTER before 04 April you will get 15% off the online prepaid deposit!
This weekend I will be for most of the time in the Ballsbridge Inn Hotel in Dublin 4 at the “Breakthrough to Success” seminar and I hope that a good few of you will join me for a long or short or very short while, depending on how you like it. But if I didn’t have the seminar planned, I would definitely go to the Festival under the Clock in Rathmines on Saturday. On Sunday the Car Boot Sales and Newmarket Brocante event will be interesting and on Tuesday the Nova UCD events are worth a look. And on Friday I will be at the Kerwin Rae Online Marketing Seminar. Kerwin Rae is a cool guy and he will be in Dublin for one day only.
The Irish Coin Cufflinks competition was won by Elizabeth Murray. Congratulations! I got lots of entries and interestingly the majority was from ladies. :-) In the end it was a draw among all the entries and Elizabeth won.
On www.irishcoincufflinks.com you can see and buy the cufflinks that were so in demand. They are made of old Irish pence coins (5p, 10p) and of Irish flags or Celtic Shields. If you want to give the cufflinks as a present or want to show your connection with Ireland on your own shirt sleeves go to the website and you buy them there directly.
All events in this Competition Section are non-free events, but the organisers are making free tickets available for you to win. I usually get lots of competition entries and unfortunately not everybody can win, so even if you are not the winner, please consider going to an event to support the organisers. :-) If you don’t win, and will go to the event, please help showing the organisers that promoting their event in the Dublin Event Guide is beneficial and mention to them that you heard about the event through “Joerg’s Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”. Thanks!
______Dublin News______________
There is a principle that says that in evolution the creatures with the highest behavioural flexibility are the ones that survive and will evolve in such a way that they will overcome all challenges. Economic difficult situations demand exactly the same behavioural flexibility from companies. I am tempted to add a corner for companies that stay on their toes and react in a positive way, because I think we can all learn from it. If you are interested in such a “corner” in the Event Guide let me know. This week I want to tell you about three businesses that show the flexibility that is required:
+ La Dolce Vita in the Old City area of Temple Bar is a new Italian Wine Bar and they are offering culture seekers a really Sweet Deal for the rest of March. If you bring along your book, cinema or theatre receipt they will give you 30% off from 16:00-19:00 and 15% from 19:00 until late on all wines, food and coffee.
blog.templebar.ie/?p=485 Great idea!!
+ John Jobson, a painter who normally exhibits in the Leinster Gallery in South Frederick Street and whose paintings are in civic and corporate collections is responding to the fact that not so many clients come calling these days to buy his pictures by bringing his art closer to his customers. He is certainly not the first one doing that, but it is a great trend. John will have a party in a lively city centre restaurant and will match-make diners with paintings. On show in the Mermaid Cafe, 69 Dame Street Dublin from 24 Mar until the last week in April will be over forty paintings. www.johnjobson.com/
+ Situated in not exactly the best location, but hugely successful is the relatively new restaurant “Green 19” in Camden Street. I remember eating there when it was less famous and at that time it was easy to get a table, but things have changed! For people that love the place it is a little annoying ;-) but you can always pre-book! And what is “Green 19’s trick? Very very good food for a very affordable price (Main course for EUR 10). Simple trick and soooo successful!
Can you help break the Hula Hoop World Record? Hulahoops.ie and Champion Sports want to break the World Record for most people Hula Hooping at the one time and they need 200 people to join them Hooping. To help Champion Sports are giving free Hoops away in their stores! Can Hula Hoop continuously for 2 minutes? If you want to be part of this World Record attempt, then get registered. The Record Attempt will take place at 12:00 on Sun 21 Mar in a Dublin City Centre location. The Record attempt will be synchronized with 16 other events taking place throughout the UK.
To register go to hulahoops.ie/ www.gumtree.ie/dublin/90/54698490.html
Last week I mentioned that Farmleigh House had reopened, but I had a typo in the address of their website. If you want to have a look at their website go to www.farmleigh.ie Over the winter the Estate was closed for visitors, but on 11 March Farmleigh Estate, House, Farmleigh Gallery and Boathouse Cafe have re-opened again and can be visited for free.
In order to beat an economic downturn not governments can help, but individuals are needed that take the initiative and to create new markets and new opportunities for themselves and for their customers and hopefully employees. The banks don’t help anymore, the government doesn’t want to help, so we have to help ourselves! The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will help you if you have recently started a company and if you could do with spreading the word. I hope being mentioned here and being seen by the 6000+ readers of the Event Guide will kick start something big for you. In return I expect you to tell your clients and friends about the Event Guide and once you have made a nice bit of money, a donation would be very appreciated. ;-) (This offer is for start-ups in relatively early stages only. Established companies can contact me regarding very affordable advertisement options in the Dublin Event Guide.) If you want to promote your start-up/young company here for free, let me know: dublineventguide@gmail.com.
Soon! I promise! :-) I have mails from some companies that would be suitable for this section, but I need to get more information from them.
‘Taking Stock: Acquisitions 2000-2010’ is an Acquisitions Exhibition at the National Gallery of Ireland. Over 100 paintings, prints and drawings reflect the different areas of the Gallery’s collection. It features additions by well-known European masters, dating from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century, among them, Guercino, Boucher, van Gogh, Renoir, Bonnard, Pechstein and Feininger, complemented by a range of important works by many of the most sought -after Irish artists, John Lavery, William Orpen, Jack B. Yeats, Louis le Brocquy and William Scott. The exhibition is open in the Beit Wing and Print Gallery until 25 July 2010. Admission is free.
The Royal Hibernian Academy will show their Spring Programme from 19 Mar-02 May. Gary Coyle, RHA, At Sea, Gallery I + Oliver Comerford, Painting 1994 – 2010, Galleries II & III + Richard Gorman, RHA, Shuffle, RHA Ashford Gallery + Donald Teskey, RHA, The Idea of Islands, RHA Atrium + Imogen Stuart RHA, RHA Foyer + Mirror Mirror, Dr. Tony Ryan Gallery are the exhibitions that make up the full programme. (Gallery Details: Royal Hibernian Academy, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2, www.rhagallery.ie, Open: Mon-Sat 11:00-19:00 Sun 14:00-17:00)
‘Maradona two-for four’ is an exhibition in The Lab by Cullinan Richards. The opening is on Fri 19 Mar from 18:00-20:00 and the exhibition continues until 24 Apr. (Gallery Details: The LAB, Foley Street, Dublin 1, www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/ArtsOffice/TheLAB/Pages/TheLAB.aspx, Open: Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:00)
“SIKSJÖ” is a collection of new work by Ella Bertilsson, Aisling Ni Chonraoi, and Killian Dunne. It is on show from 18 Mar in the Master Thief’s Secret Lair. (Gallery Details: Master Thief’s Secret Lair, 11 South William Street, Dublin 2, www.mtsl.ie, Open: Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:00, Thurs 10:00-19:00, Sun 12:00-17:00)
“Scanner” is an exhibition by Daniel Canogar. The opening is on Fri 19 Mar and the exhibition will run until 30 Apr. Constructed from television, telephone and computer cables, this installation underscores the idea of mortality in relation to technologies…
On Fri 19 Mar at 17:30 an Artist Talk will take place in the gallery. (Gallery Details: Oonagh Young Gallery, 1 James Joyce Street, Liberty Corner, Dublin 1, www.oonaghyoung.com, Open: Thurs+Fri 12:00-18:00, Sat: 13:00-16:00)
“Angles with Dirty Feet” is an exhibition of paintings by Katarzyna Gajewska at the Urban Retreat Gallery, South Block, HQ Building, Hanover Quay, Dublin 2. The opening will take place on Fri 19 Mar at 18:00. The exhibition will run until 15 April.
www.myspace.com/katarzynagajewska (Gallery Details: Urban Retreat Gallery, at the chq Building on Hanover Quay, Docklands, 01-478 5159, Opening Hours: Tues-Fri: 12:00-18:30, Sat 12:00-16:00.)
The Sugar Coated group comprising of 2nd year Arts Management and Business students from IADT have selected the sweetest and sickliest of up and coming underground artists in the visual arts world. The artists have been asked to deliver their own unique interpretation of the Sugar Coated theme. The exhibition is on show on 19+20 Mar from 13:00-19:00 (Gallery Details: Back Loft, 7/11 Augustine Street, Dublin 8, www.lacatedralstudios.org and www.thebackloft.blogspot.com)
‘Prospects, Propositions, States of Affairs’ is an exhibition of work by Micky Donnelly. It will be on show from 19 Mar-10 Apr at Taylor Galleries on Kildare Street. An opening reception will take place from 18:00-20:00 on Fri 26 Mar.
www.mickydonnelly.com (Gallery Details: Taylor Galleries, 16 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, www.taylorgalleries.ie, Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-17:30, Sat 11:00-15:00)
“From There To Here” is an exhibition of photographic works by Elizabeth McCallum. The opening will take place on 20 Mar from 15:00-17:00 and the exhibition will be on show from 22 Mar – 01 Apr in Rua Red. Many of the photos in this exhibition feature the new urban landscape which has developed between the Civic Theatre, the new Tallaght Library building, and most recently, Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre itself. www.tallaght-arts.ie (Venue Details: Rua Red, South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, www.ruared.ie, Open: Mon-Sat: 10:00-18:00)
The Lab on Foley Street, in association with Mavis Students, IADT, are inviting to “No Contract, Return to Sender”, curated by Emma Betts, Rachel Gilbourne, Carl Giffney, Tinka Bechert and Enagh Farrell. The exhibition opens on Fri 19 March from 18:00-20:00 and will run until the 26 Mar. (Gallery Details: The LAB, Foley Street, Dublin 1, www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/ArtsOffice/TheLAB/Pages/TheLAB.aspx, Open: Mon-Sat: 10:00-18:00)
“Back to Reality: Rapture Heap v.2” by Eilis McDonald is the 2nd Installment of her Rapture Heap Project. The exhibition is the story-thus-far of a research period centred around the use of one of Dublin’s many empty retail units, featuring charity shop assemblages, videos of people from newspaper classifieds and the transformation of the retail space into an immersive installation. The exhibition will open on Fri 19 Mar (19:00-21:00) and will run from 20-27 Mar. The exhibition will take place in Unit 3, James Joyce St. (Corporation St.), Liberty Corner, Dublin 1. (beside The LAB, Foley Street and the Oonagh Young Gallery)
“Bitter Pop Lemon Culture” is an exhibition of parody and satire, realised through painting, sculpture and sound by Maurice Caplice. The Opening Reception is on Fri 19 mar at 18:00 and the exhibition will run from 19 Mar – 22 Mar daily from 12:00-17:00. (Gallery Details: The Joinery, Arbour Hill, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7, www.thejoinery.org, Open: ???)
“The Bloody Long Journey” is an exhibition of acrylic paintings by Mark Haybyrne at the MadArt Gallery. It will be on show from 18-27 March. (Gallery Details: MadArt Gallery, 56 Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin 1, www.madartstudio.com, Open: Tues-Sat 10:30-18:00)
On Fri 19 Mar at 13:15 a Chapters and Verse Lunchtime Reading (in Chapters on Parnell Street, Dublin 1) will take place with Celeste Auge and Orla Martin. www.seventowers.ie and www.indymedia.ie/article/95890
The UCD Earth Sciences Institute is running a series of seminars beginning Friday
19 March and running most Fridays until December. The title of the series is “Transforming Ireland – Mobilising Innovation and Enterprise to Become a Prosperous Low Carbon Society”. The first seminar will take place on Fri 19 March from 12:30-14:00 and is entitled “Natural gas, but not as we know it”.
It will comprise presentations from two of the world’s leading researchers, Tommy Boland, UCD and Padraig O’Kiely, Teagasc, in regard to achieving reductions in emissions from animals. The seminar will take place in Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. To register your interest please email esi.admin@ucd.ie
I wrote about it enough, I think. This 2.5 day seminar about how to achieve thing sin your life better, easier and more reliably is taking place this weekend from Friday evening until Sunday evening. If you have registered, please make sure that you come, I NEED your support to get the donation for the Event Guide that the organisers promised to me. Getting 150 people to come to the event is a LOT more difficult than I thought and I have to admit that I will be very disappointed if we won’t make it. If you haven’t signed up and are interested, you can still register here www.breakthroughtosuccess.eu/?af=CLA1035324 OR if registration is closing during the day, then come to the event and quote the number CLA1035324 when you register at the venue to make sure that you count towards the 150.
The event will take place in the Ballsbridge Inn, the former Jury’s Hotel in the D4 Hotels complex in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. I hope to see you there!
Channel One, Patrick Kelleher, Hunter Gatherer will play at the Button Factory on Fri 19 March and admission is free before 22:00 (EUR 10 after 22:00). Doors is at 20:00.
The Dublin Sidewalk Astronomers of the Irish Astronomical Society are inviting to a public star gazing and call it properly “Public Observation” on Fr 19 Mar from 20:00-22:00 at the Martello Tower Car Park (south side), Strand Rd, Sandymount, Dublin 4. Admission is free and equipment will be provided to be used by interested astronomers. A map can be found on www.irishastrosoc.org/
In Whelan’s in 25 Wexford Street “The Pacifics” will feature in “The Midnight Hour” on Fri 19 March. Admission is free before 22:30. www.whelanslive.com/listings/
“Shake Down” in Pacino’s Restaurant in Suffolk Street will feature The Vagabonds on 19 March. Shake Down is entertainment by a live band and DJ from 23:00-02:30, while you can enjoy a low priced pizza and a cocktail in Pacino’s. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000604976870
* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
* Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3) and every Monday from 19:00 in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15. These are drop in classes, newcomers are welcome. For more information check www.coolspirit.info or www.sahajayoga.ie.
* The Covers play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Carlos Irie. Admission is free.
* “Shake Down” in Pacino’s restaurant, Suffolk Street is a weekly Friday event from 23:00. Live Bands a DJ, Pizza and Cocktails and free admission make this event hugely attractive. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000604976870
Tess Daly will be in Eason’s in O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 to sign her book on
Sat 20 Mar at 12:00. www.eason.ie/events/upcoming
The Festival Under the Clock 2010, which is organised and produced by the Rathmines College Cultural and Corporate Project Management Team, will take place this weekend. Admission is free to all events and you should definitely have a look at the long and interesting events list. There is a website, but unfortunately websites hosted by that provider are spam suspicious and therefore my e-mail sender doesn’t allow me to put the address in here directly. So I have to use some trick: www.festivalundertheclock_webs.com Please don’t click on this address, but instead copy it in your browser and then replace the _ with a dot.
The festival consists is multi-facetted with Poetry, Music, Dance, Comdey, Film and a Family Fun Day. Here is the schedule:
13:00 Anatoly Kudryavitsky – Poetry Reading – Rathmines Town Hall
13:45 Vereneja – Eastern European Dance Group – Rathmines Town Hall
14:15 Ostroha Dance Group – Slovakian dancers – Rathmines Town Hall
15:00 Wassa Wassa – African Dance troupe – Rathmines Square.
15:00 Vladimir Jablokov and the Slovak festival Orchestra – Rathmines Town Hall
16:15 Mutefish – Traditional with difference – Rathmines Town Hall
21:00 Don Baker – Blues Musician and actor – Rathmines Town Hall
20:00 Eric Lalor – Comedy – Rathmines Town Hall
+ Anchor Bay Film Day in Rathmines Town Hall
All events are free admission (Places are limited in the town hall. Reservations for children’s films had to be made on Mon 15 March, so we are unfort too late for that. 11:00 Little Princess
13:00 Wow Wow Woopsie – Animated movie with the voice of Beyonce Knowles
15:00 Paper Heart – Rom-com
17:00 I Sell the Dead
19:00 The Graves – Horror
21:00 The Slammin Salmon
+ Family Fun Day on Rathmines Square (previously swimming pool car park)
12:00 Historical Walk of Rathmines
14:00 Traditional Irish Music, Face painting, Balloon Modelling, Stilt Walkers and a Magician
“Living in Ireland – Sharing Migrant Experiences” is a workshop that introduces migrants to Irish culture and provides a space for migrants to share their experiences of living in Ireland. The aim of the workshop is to impart practical information on how to successfully integrate by learning from other migrant experiences and will include a motivational element. It takes place on Sat 20 Mar from 13:00-16:30 at the Crosscare Migrant Project, 1 Cathedral Street, Dublin 1. The workshop will be given by Dil Wickremasinghe, Managing Director of Diversity and Equality Works and presenter of “Global Village” on Newstalk 106-108FM. If you would like further information contact Nicola Yau on 01 872 3844 or nicolayau@crosscare.ie. Places are limited so book your place now!
President Mary McAleese will be visiting Turkey/Gallipoli in March and a Memorial to the fallen Irish soldiers will be erected in Gallipoli where the 10th Irish Division fought in Suvla Bay. Mary McAleese will dedicate the foundation stone of the memorial at a ceremony. The Turkish Association of Ireland is organising this public meeting to bring together a number of speakers, who are academically, artistically, personally and politically linked to Gallipoli War to tell the story of the war in Ireland. The event will take place on Sat 20 March at 14:00 and will be entitles “Impressions of Gallipoli War – Telling the Story…” Speakers will be Dr. John Morrissey (NUI Galway), Cem Islam, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill (Irish Poet), Conor Dodd (Dublin Fusiliers), Patricia Horne “Letters from Gallipoli” (Daughter of Irish Medical Officer in Gallipoli). The venue will be the Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. Admission is free. www.turkishassociationireland.org
The Sugar Club in Leeson Street is inviting to a screening of the next Six Nations Rugby: Ireland vs Scotland on Sat 20 Mar. Admission is free, but the club will be cleared after the match is over. Doors open at 16:00. www.thesugarclub.com/whatson.html
After a busy Paddy’s Day, the Bernard Shaw pub is inviting you to spend your Saturday in the wholesome and intimate buzz of a shindig called ‘Our House’. There will be
+ Sports: 6 Nations Rugby – Ireland v Scotland (17:00)
+ Live Band: Harmonium (jazz/funk improvisation collective)
+ Music 16:00-23:00 with Chantal Fortune, Amy Sherman and Sophie Devere
(rockin’ blues – funk – reggae – soul – jazz – house)
23:00-01:00 Melodee (Toejam) – (B-more, bass, funk, disco, electro, grime)
Doors at 16:00 and Admission is free.
# There are no special museum events this week. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=942
The Family Programme in the National Gallery in Kildare Street on Sat 20 Mar from 15:00 is “Wonders in Frames” with Aoife Dwyer. www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html#4
In Whelan’s in 25 Wexford Street “The Josephs” will feature in “The Midnight Hour” on Sat 20 March. Admission is free before 22:30. www.whelanslive.com/listings/
* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30. The Designer Mart is on winter break and will return from 13 March!
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* The Dublin Food Coop runs a food market every Saturday (09:30-16:30) and Thursday (14:00-20:00) at Newmarket in Dublin 8. Fresh local and artisan produce, mainly organic, and other products for sustainable living are on sale. www.dublinfood.coop
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Saturday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* The Black Sheep play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later Dj Glenn Brown (Dublin Calling). Admission is free.
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with resident DJ Papi Chulo. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing.
______Sunday __________________
On Sunday 21 March from 09:00 the Harold’s Cross Greyhound Stadium Car Boot Sale (every second week) will take place again on the car park of the stadium (151 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin). Visiting is free, selling costs EUR 15 for cars and EUR 20 for vans and spaces might still be available. Contact Damian on 086 8371573 or email lowth666@yahoo.ie for more details. Gates open 08:00 for Sellers and 09:00 for Buyers. www.haroldscrosscarbootsale.com/
The next Newmarket Brocante, the flea market for 2nd hand furniture – is staking place on Sun 21 Feb in the market hall of the Dublin Food Co-op. At this event you will find a selection of second-hand, refurbished, antique and hand-crafted stuff for your house and garden. There will be bargains, live music, café and good wholesome food all under the one roof. The market will be open from 11:00-17:00. You can find more information here: www.newmarketbrocante.com
The weekly Children’s Art Cart Workshops at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre is taking place every Sun from 10:30-12:30. Up to 20 children can participate but they must be supervised by an adult. Children 5 years & over. The upcoming themes are
21 Mar – Easter Cards and Decorations
28 Mar – Medieval Life – Includes visit to Ashtown Castle
Nearly every Sunday a free “Sunday at Noon” concert is taking place in the Hugh Lane Gallery. From 12:00-13:00 classical music will be performed for free. No booking is required. This week’s concert is by RTÉ Cór na nÓg (Director: Máire Mannion). RTé Cór na Nóg present a programme of Irish favourites including The Lark in the Clear Air alongside 2 pieces by Hungarian composers and the fascinating composition ‘Aglepta’ by the Swedish composer, Arne Melnas. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=465
The Hugh Lane Gallery on Parnell Square is running a “Sunday Sketching for 7+ year olds” programme. This week (21 Feb) the title is “Spring Blooms, drawing from bulbs” and the event takes place from 15:00-16:00. www.hughlane.ie/whats_on_detail.php?id=415
# “My Museum: It’s Camouflage!” is taking place on Sun 21 Mar from 15:00 in Collins Barracks. This workshop is suitable from 5+. Camouflage is the art of deception and disguise. Hide away in the Museum with an art workshop in the `Soldiers & Chiefs’ gallery. Please note that places are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=945
The Sunday Lecture on 21 Mar at 15:00 in the National Gallery in Kildare Street is: “Great Acquisition: Cuyp’s ‘Landscape with a Portrait of a Youth and his Tutor on Horseback” by Lecturer Dr Adriaan Waiboer, National Gallery
of Ireland www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html
The Odeon are inviting all families on Sat+Sun from 12:00-18:00 to a “Matinee Brunch Club”. Good Food, Kids movies (13:00+15:00), major international sporting events on the other big screen, kids under 3 eat for free are the main attractions of this offer. Upcoming Movies are on Mar 20/21 – The Princess Bride, Mar 27/28 – The Incredibles. For further information ring 01 672 7690 or check www.odeon.ie/ The Odeon Bar & Grill is in the Old Harcourt Street Station, Dublin 2.
Jazz at the Berkley Court Hotel, Dublin 4 is an event taking place on Sun 21 Mar from 15:30-18:00. “Cool classic jazz this paddy’s weekend at the Berkley court hotel D4.” Admission is free. www.gumtree.ie/dublin/85/55485485.html
Free comedy, free ice-cream. What more do you want? :-) The Comedy Crunch is a brilliant free Stand Up comedy which decamps regularly downstairs in Shebeen Chic, Sth Great Georges Street. It is sooo popular that from initially monthly it was moved to fortnightly and now to weekly! Make sure you give it a go! It starts at 21:00 and the line-up is changing but always impressive. The next performance is on Sun 21 March and the details can be found on: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330
* The Temple Bar Book Market is taking place every Sat+Sun on Temple Bar Square from 11:00-18:00.
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Sunday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* The Mary Stokes Band (Blues) will be back in Bruxelles, Harry Street near Grafton Street and near the Westbury Hotel from 30 Aug. The start time is advertised as 18:00, but the actual start is usually significantly later. The gigs are not EVERY week, but most weeks. Admission is free.
* Sunday Roast is a weekly event in the Globe in Sth George’s Street from 20:00-01:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes. www.myspace.com/sundayroast1
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* From 21:00 in The Bleeding Horse on Camden Street “The Apollo Sessions” is a free show featuring multiple styles of original music from local and international musicians and songwriters www.myspace.com/thebleedinghorsesessions
* The Brazilian Samba Rock Band +55 is playing every Sunday at the Odeon in Harcourt Street from 20:00-22:00, followed by a DJ playing Forro, Axe, and a mixture of Brazilian rhythms and salsa beats. Admission is free before 21:00 and EUR 5 after that.
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Sunday from 21:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* The Burning Effigies are playing afrobeat, jazz, funk and soul every Sunday from 23:00 in Turk’s Head in Parliament Street. www.turkshead.ie
* Gardiner Street Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com
* Ballymun Gospel Choir Mass at 19:00 in Holy Spirit Church, Silloge, Ballymun.
If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.
______Next Week_______________
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown are famous for their good and exemplary events. Another brilliant event series is brought to you this week. Over 5 days from Mon 22 Mar until Friday 26 Mar a whole range of free educational and informational events are provided for business owners or people that want to become a business owner. The programme is so extensive that it doesn’t makes sense to list all events here. Instead you should have a look at www.dlrenterpriseweek.ie and select the events you would like to attend. Pre-booking is required for most.
In Whelan’s in 25 Wexford Street “The Former Soviet Republic” will feature in the “Hefty Monday’s” on Mon 22 March. Admission is free before 22:30. www.whelanslive.com/listings/
Howard Linnane’s Irish movie screening night Cine-Café (an evening of short films) and Pint & Picture (full feature film screening) take place on alternating weeks with the next event taking place on Mon 22 Mar at 20:00 in Mother Reilly’s in Rathmines, Dublin 6 (Uppercross House Hotel, 30 Upr Rathmines Road (opposite Tesco)).
* Every Mon from 20:00-22:00 in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, 78 Grafton Street, the recently-formed music collective the ‘Lazy Band’ is playing roots, trad and folk songs from Ireland, England, America and anything else they like. Admission is free and the bar serves during the show. Some people order up pizzas from downstairs. Laid-back atmosphere, unplugged and informal. www.myspace.com/thelazyband
* ‘Hugh Cooney Don’t Like Monday’, a cabaret and live visual performance by Hugh Cooney, will take place every Monday night from 20:30 at The Pygmalion, South William Street, Dublin 2 (formerly Ba Mizu in Powerscourt Shopping Centre). Admission free. www.myspace.com/hughcooneycomotions
* From 21:00 in the International Bar, Wicklow Street: The Glór Sessions feature acoustic singer-songwriters, comedy, spoken word and poetry hosted by Stephen James Smith. Entry is free. www.stephenjamessmith.com/Glor.html
* From 21:30 a traditional Irish music session is taking place in Kennedy’s Pub in Drumcondra. Admission is free.
* From 22:00, the front bar of Whelans is the venue for the Open Mic event “Acoustic Nightmares Night”, organised by the band The Mighty Stef and some members from The Last Tycoons. This is a free event. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* Upbeat Generation is playing Soul/Funk/Rock Covers in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2 from 22:00. Later: DJ Rasheed. Admission is free.
On Tues 23 March the lecture “Collecting for the Nation” by Lecturer Raymond Keaveney, Director, National Gallery of Ireland is provided in the National Gallery at 10:30. www.nationalgallery.ie/html/programevents2.html
NovaUCD, the Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre at University College Dublin, is hosting an Open Morning on Tues 23 March as part of the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown 2010 Enterprise Week. The aim of the Open Morning is to give existing and budding high-tech entrepreneurs an opportunity to discover the unique services, supports and facilities available at NovaUCD. Ray Nolan, the award winning serial internet entrepreneur and founder of Web Reservations International and Worky.com, will be the guest speaker during the Open Morning and will deliver an “Entrepreneurs Live!” seminar. During the Open Morning visitors will also have an opportunity to meet with, listen and talk to members of NovaUCD’s successful community of entrepreneurs. The event will take place on Tues 23 March at 10:15 in NovaUCD, Belfield, Dublin 4. www.ucd.ie/nova/events/novanewstitle,50688,en.html
Admission is free and everybody is welcome.
NovaUCD ‘Entrepreneurs Live!’ Seminar with Ray Nolan (Web Reservations International) is taking place on Tues 23 March at 12:30. The aim of the ‘Entrepreneurs Live!’ seminar series delivered by NovaUCD in association with the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board is to promote a spirit of entrepreneurship.At this seminar, Ray Nolan, founder, Web Reservations International will talk about his experiences of setting-up and running his business emphasising the highs and lows encountered along his entrepreneurial journey and highlighting the secrets of his entrepreneurial success. After the seminar, attendees will have the opportunity to ask probing questions of the guest entrepreneur.
“What is Feminism/Gender Equality in Modern Ireland” is an event of the Marriage Equality group. It will take place on Tues 23 Mar from 18:00-19:30 in the Harry Clarke Lecture Theatre, National College of Art & Design
On Tues 23 Mar from 18:30-20:00 the event “Stereo: Sounds of the Sun” is taking place in the Science Gallery (Paccar Theatre) in Trinity College (at the Westmoreland Street end of the TCD Campus). As part of the NASA STEREO Convention, Dr Janet Luhmann, Research Geophysicist at the Space Science Laboratory at UC Berkeley, IMPACT Principal Investigator and leader of the development of the STEREO project, will explore the connections between solar science and sound and compare visual and audible representations of data from STEREO. (STEREO is the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory, an innovative mission to study how large solar storms influence our life on earth.) Luhmann will explain how she and her team collect simultaneous, ‘local’ space magnetic field and particle data and turn these readings into sounds. These sounds give a feeling for what is ‘arriving’ from the Sun at the STEREO spacecraft, while the images are showing what is happening at a distance, near the Sun. While other groups work on various types of STEREO data sounds, Luhmann and her group’s specialty is the ‘in-situ’ data conversions. Admission is free, but booking is required. sciencegallery.com/events/2010/03/stereo-sounds-sun
‘Yeats and Sligo – the Land of Heart’s Desire’ by Stella G. Mew, CEO of the Yeats Society, Sligo is the seventh of eight lectures in the series Object Lessons: Yeats in Focus. It will take place on Tues 23 March at 19:00 in the Seminar Room of the National Library, Kildare Street. www.nli.ie/en/list/current-events.aspx
The Book of Mark dramatised? Sounds like something different than usual? The Christian Union of UCD is inviting to this event on Tues 23 March at 19:00 in the Astra Hall of the UCD. www.ucd.ie/cunion
* Open Mic Night with The Last Tycoons in O’Donoghues on Suffolk Street every Tueas from 20:00. It’s free and anyone can get up, sing a song or do whatever they like. www.facebook.com/pages/ODonoghues-Open-Mic/71834618844
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
* From 21:30, O’Briens on Dame Street (next to the Mercantile Pub) is the venue for a further Open Mic event of acoustic rock’n’roll organised by the band The Mighty Stef. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2
Instead of John O’Shea the slot on Wed 24 March from 13:00-14:00 will be filled by Mary Davis, Managing Director of Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia. She is responsible for overseeing the growth and development of Special Olympics across 58 countries in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Legends In Your Lunchtime is a series of free public leadership talks here at the National College of Ireland. Admission is free but places are limited and must be reserved through: www.ncirl.ie/Events/Mary_Davis:_Legends_In_Your_Lunchtime
The Royal Irish Academy Library is running a Spring Lecture Series entitled “Exploring Treasures of the Academy Library”. The next lunchtime event in this series will take place on Wed 24 Mar at 13:05 in the Meeting Room, Academy House, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. Mary Cahill (National Museum of Ireland) will talk about “A paper gold mine – John Windele’s legacy to Ireland”. Admission is free and you don’t need to book. www.ria.ie/Events/Events-Listing/Royal-Irish-Academy—Spring-Lecture-Series–Explo.aspx
The Royal Hibernian Academy is inviting to the second part of their series of lectures by RHA Members and Honorary Members:
– 24 March: Martin Gale
– 31 March: Brian Ferran ‘The William Scott & FE McWilliam commissions at Altnagelvin Hospital’
There is no admission fee and spaces will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Lectures begin at 17:30 in the Friends Room of the RHA, Gallagher Gallery, 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2. For further information: www.royalhibernianacademy.ie
“Women on the MBA” on Wed 24 March at 18:00 will provide an opportunity to meet and network with female MBA alumni who will be sharing their experiences with you and highlighting the importance of the MBA in the workplace. It takes place in the UCD Smurfit Business School in Blackrock www.smurfitschool.ie and more information is available from Elaine McAree on 01-7168862
The Spanish Cultural Institute, Instituto Cervantes, is inviting to a film screening. On Wed 24 March at 18:30 the film “Sin vergüenza” (2001) by Joaquín Oristrell will be shown. (in Spanish with English subtitles). dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha62236_16_2.htm The Instituto Cervantes is on Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, quite near the National Gallery.
An International Peace Studies lecture will take place in Trinity College. Alison Kelly from the Department of Foreign Affairs will talk about “Next steps for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: An Irish perspective”. The event will take place on Wed 24 Mar at 19:00 in the Robert Emmet Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin. From the event notices of TCD and UCD, I often can’t identify if the event is only for students and staff or for everybody. “All Welcome” could mean both depending who you intend to address, but in this case, I guess everybody IS welcome. www.tcd.ie/Secretary/Communications/Noticeboard/ls_notices.html#15240
“One Less Car” is a documentary by DCTV (Dublin City TV) about cycling in Dublin. Rothar, the “bikes for the community” initiative is inviting to a screening of the documentary on Wed 24 Mar from 19:00 in the Cobblestone in Smithfield. For information about Rothar or the event contact info@rothar.ie, visit their website www.rothar.ie or check www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=367498336531
“Writing for Stage & Screen” is the title of a conversation with writer and actor Mark O’Halloran on Wed 24 Mar from 20:00-21:00 in the National Library in Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Admission to this “Library Late” event is free, but booking is essential via soconnor@nli.ie or 01-6030317. O’Halloran’s screenplays include Adam & Paul and the screenplay for the film Garage which was awarded the CICAE award for best film Cannes Film Festival 2007. www.nli.ie/en/list/current-events.aspx
The Songs of Praise Rock and Roll Karaoke is moving from its Sunday evening slot to Wednesdays. After five years of legendary Sunday nights in the Village, Songs of Praise is moving to Wednesdays. The mid week mayhem starts at 21:00 every Wed! www.getpraise.com Venue: The Village, Wexford Street, Dublin 2
* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 17:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. The majority of people there are Spanish or English-speaking, but French, Italians, Polish and Chinese are sometimes coming to and everybody is welcome to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English.
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 on SOME Wednesdays. The frequency got less predictable in recent weeks/months and you should check the website before going. www.myspace.com/thesongroom
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Wednesday from 21:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
* Seven Deadly Skins are playing Reggae/Ska Covers from 22:00 with DJ Dotsie later. The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Admission is free.
The launch of the publication “Am only saying it now”, which describes experiences of women seeking asylum in Ireland, is taking place on Thurs 25 Mar from 10:30 in the Cheaster Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2.. For more info please contact and register with info@akidwa.ie or Kelly at 01-8148582 (Hurry, you need to register by the 19 March!) akidwa.ie/events.php
The “Impact Percussion Duo” will perform on Thurs 25 Mar from 13:00-14:00 in the Central Library in the Ilac Shopping Centre Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1. Admission is free. Brian O’Regan and Alex Pectu are the two percussionists. www.impactpercussionduo.com www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/percussion_recital.aspx
In Dun Laoghaire the Poetry Now Festival is taking place between 25 and 28 March. There are a number of free events and you should have a look at the website www.poetrynow.ie or at the programme poetrynow.ie/Brochure10.pdf to see if you are interested in some of the events. You might have to pre-register, so please have a look.
# A new tour specifically designed for parents with pre-toddler age children will take place on Thurs 25 Mar in Collins Barracks. On the Museums website it says the tour is from 15:00, however in an e-mail I received from the National Museum the time is specified as 11:30-12:15! Maybe check with them, but I guess it is more likely the earlier time!
This new monthly tour is for parents, grandparents or carers with pre-toddler age children. Buggies welcome! Please note that places are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=946
Dirty 9’s will be in Tower Records, Wicklow Street, Dublin 2 on Thu 25 Mar at 18:00 for an In-Store Performance. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm
“Executive Insights” is a series of events organised by the UCD Business Alumni. At times this event is open for everybody. This week, on 25 Mar at 18:00-20:30, Paul Donovan, CEO Eircom will share some of his business expertise, experiences in leadership and knowledge on global telecommunications. The event will take place in the Davenport Hotel, Dublin 2 (near Merrion Square). Admission is free, but registration is required at www.ucd.ie/businessalumni/registermarch.htm and for more information you can contact caroline.kinsella@ucd.ie or 01-7168050.
The Business Information Centre of the Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1 is running a “Career Direction and Development 2010 Programme” and the next event will take place on Thurs 25 Mar at 18:30 in the Central Library.
If you are looking for a job, this is an event that could help you. The next meeting, an interactive workshop, will cover “Job Hunting – Creative ways to increase your visibility and land more opportunities” with career expert Paul Mullan. www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/career_directions.aspx
The Austrian author Lydia Mischkulnig will be in the Goethe Institut, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 for a discussion and to read from her short stories “Macht euch keine Sorgen. Neun Heimsuchungen”. The event will be in German and will take place on Thurs 25 Mar at 18:30. Admission is free. www.goethe.de/ins/ie/dub/kue/en5754631v.htm
The TCD Milenium Development Goals Lecture Series takes place on Thursdays from 19:00-20:30 in Ui Chadhain Lecture Theatre, (2041b) Ground Floor, Arts Building, TCD. For further details email mdglect@tcd.ie, call 086 8442641 or visit www.tcd.ie/Economics/DevelopmentStudies
+ No lecture on 25 March, next lecture on 01 April
+ A Fairer Global Tax System: Developing World and National Perspectives: 1 April. Speakers: David McNair, Head of Research and Policy, Christian Aid, London; Sheila Killian, Dept of Accounting & Finance, University of Limerick.
+ The Truth about Trade: the real impact of trade liberalisation: 8 April. Speaker: Clive George, University of Manchester and author of ‘The Truth About Trade’.
The regional final of the 2010 Young Horticulturist of the Year Competition will take place on Thurs 25 Mar from 14:00 in the National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin. “The Institute of Horticulture runs an annual competition amongst young budding horticulturists in the UK and Ireland. The competition consists of local heats in various Horticultural colleges, followed by a regional final and a Grand Final. The National Botanic Gardens will host the regional final this year and the winner of this round will progress to the Grand Final in Kew Gardens in London in May 2010. This regional final will see eight of the best Irish contestants face a wide range of horticultural questions, with three identification rounds to further test their ability.
The next meeting of the networking group Connector will take place on 25 March at 18:30 in dtwo Bar in Harcourt Street. A (yet unnamed) guest speaker will talk about Online PR. www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=394754365329
On Thurs 25 Mar at 18:35 the Robert Emmet Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin will be the venue for the book launch of “Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide” by Ben White. Interviewed by Senator David Norris, author Ben White will discuss his new book that examines the origins of Israeli Apartheid and how it affects the daily lives of Palestinians living in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. www.ipsc.ie cosmos.ucc.ie/cs1064/jabowen/IPSC/ipsc/displayEvent.php?eventID=801
Every Thursday the Odeon Pub in Harcourt Street is running a Classic Movies Club from 20:00. Admission is free. The theme is “Irish Season” and the films are 25 Mar: The General. For Seat/Table reservations call 478 2088 or mail hello@odeon.ie – www.odeon.ie/gallery.html
* Quiz Night in The Lotts Cafe Bar, 9 Lower Liffey St, Dublin 1. Every Thurs a quiz night with great prizes is taking place at 20:00/20:30 depending on football. Participation is free.
* “Thirsty Thursday” Open Mic Night from 21:00 in the Mullingar House in Chapelizod Village. www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=111621257112
* The Bionic Rats play live Reggae and Ska every Thursday in Turk’s Head from 22:00. Admission is free. www.turkshead.ie
* The Poor Boys play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Tim. Admission is free.
Kerwin Rae, a really nice guy and an Australian Business Marketing Expert is coming to Dublin for a free 1-day seminar. Kerwin runs 3-day seminars in London and Australia and he will tell you more about the seminars and his approach to marketing at this day long training. From 10:00-19:00 Kerwin will be in the Clontarf Castle in Clontarf. Kerwin is an expert in online marketing and in Joint Ventures and I expect him to talk about these areas as well as about his fascinating view of life (Probably being in his 30s, he had a stroke about a year ago!) I plan to go to this event next Friday 26 March. www.powerupyourmarketing.co.uk/?af=CLA1035324
The UCD Earth Sciences Institute is running a series of seminars that began on Fri
19 March and will be on most Fridays until December. So, I expect that there will be a lecture on 26 March, but I wasn’t able to find out the title yet. The lecture will take place from 12:30-14:00 in the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. To find out more, including the title of the lecture, contact esi.admin@ucd.ie
Oliver Cole will be in Tower Records in Wicklow Street on Fri 26 March at 13:00 and
Jennifer Evans will be there on the same day (Fri 26 Mar) at 17:00. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm
The third French Friday of the year will take place on the 26 March from 21:00-02:30 at the Bia Bar, 28 Lower Stephens Street, Dublin 2. There will be 100% French Music from 21:30-23:30. french-friday.com/
This section contains lots of events this week that happen in the future some of them require free tickets and it is mentioned where this is the case. Put the events in your diary and for the ticketed events hurry to request your tickets:
As decisions are taken on how to address Youth Employment in Ireland and Europe, Young People want to be part of the solution not the problem. The National Youth Council of Ireland in Partnership with the Youth Affairs Unit of OMCYA are hosting a consultation with young people on Youth Employment and Social Inclusion in preparation for the European Conference on the issue. The event will take place in the Irish Aid Centre O’Connell Street, Dublin on Sat 27 May 2010. It is aimed at young people and Youth Workers over 18yrs. The organisers especially invite people that have experience of finding it difficult to access employment. Admission is free and public transport travel expenses can be paid. Booking is absolutely required and you will find all details on www.international.youth.ie/index.php?id=33 or by contacting international AT nyci.ie ot Tel: 01 4255945
The Irish Met Society Weather & Climate Conference 2010 is taking place on 27 March 2010 in the Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. The lectures are
* “Decisions, decisions, decisions – weather in the real world” by Gerald Fleming (Met Éireann)
* “Weather and Aviation” by Captain James Brady (Irish Air Corps)
* “Contrails and Climate Change” by Gillian Whelan (UCC)
* “Weather and Health” by Dr Pat Goodman (DIT)
* “Denial or despair: towards effectively communicating climate change” by John Gibbons (www.climatechange.ie)
* “Climate Change Indicators for Ireland” by Séamus Walsh (Met Éireann)
Admission is free but you have to pre-book via www.irishmetsociety.org or by sending an e-mail to info@irishmetsociety.org. Most of the seats are already reserved, do don’t delay your booking!
______This is odd!!______________
In January public sector workers began a “work-to-rule” protest against the Government’s decision to cut public sector pay. (www.rte.ie/news/2010/0125/partnership.html) Since then the protest has been escalated further. Public counters are not staffed in offices like the passport office and phone calls are not answered (www.rte.ie/news/2010/0226/pay.html). On Tuesday the Irish Times reported that the passport office was closed due to extensive flooding. www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/0316/breaking34.html Is that the next level of escalation in this protest? Public Servants are not closing the water taps anymore because they are not paid for it? Who knows what they come up with next week. ;-) Do you want to speculate? You can send your suggestions to dublineventguide@gmail.com (By the way, the real reason for the flooding was seemingly a burst pipe. ;-) )
I wrote the “This is odd!” a few days ago and if you thought things would get better once the water problem is sorted, you are wrong. On Thursday the unions announced that the passport offices will be closed to the public from 13:00 on Friday because the union members refuse to do their job, which is dealing with the passport applicants. www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/0318/breaking70.html
Hotels and Flights for low prices! Check out Expedia. clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=74700&a=1719778&g=17860618
I hope you have recovered from St. Patrick’s Day and are ready for another weekend! :-) Enjoy it and if you have registered to come to the seminar I was telling you about, PLEASE come. If I won’t get the numbers, I will be seriously disappointed and my whole future planning for the Event Guide will be thrown up in the air.
For donations please go to www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm
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This Event Guide (the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”) is an Event Guide with a difference. It covers mostly free events based on the thinking that free events deserve additional support and that non-free events have the money to pay for advertisement. The Guide is a _guide_ and not just a listing and is therefore at times quite extensive. It is sent for free to anybody who is interested and if you want to be added to the mailing list or know somebody who would like to receive this guide, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the Subject “Subscribe”.
If you have feedback – good or bad – PLEASE tell me via the same e-mail address.
BTW: I am not paid or otherwise rewarded for compiling and distributing this Event Guide it is purely a hobby so your donations are needed: www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm. Advertisement in or sponsorship of the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is possible and very welcome, please contact me for more information.
Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the former fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2010 by Joerg Steegmueller.
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