Keep the spirits up! These events should help!
A FULL Dublin Event Guide is here for you today. Lots to do!
Hi all!
Who had – like me – the feeling of annoyance and frustration and despair when it was announced this week that we will be locked away at least until 05 April and (most likely) even longer? I sooo miss my beloved Padel Tennis (Not the same as Tennis!! And has nothing to do with water!) and my Gospel Choir and live music and festivals and going to a restaurant and visiting my parents in Germany and so so much more.
We were all hoping that 2021 would bring this dramatic change, but we are starting the third month in this coming week and things are not just the same, instead they are worse. How frustrating!
But despite that frustration, you also know that I am not the type of person that prefers to focus on the doom and gloom in life. Luckily, for most of us, life is good and we haven’t experienced REAL hardship. the restrictions that we experience at the moment will be forgotten soon and we will be able to travel again and go to events and enjoy a summer. If it is not the one in 2021, then it will be one in the coming years. In the meantime we have an opportunity! An opportunity to discover our real strengths, the resilience that you are able to muster when needed, the resourcefulness that is in you and that gets you through challenges not just now, but also in the future!
Don’t let this hiccup in life throw you off. Learn something new, focus on other things and tell us about it! :-) If anybody has an interesting story of new discoveries about yourself and life, let me know and I will publish it. Let’s water the little plant of positivity in all of us … and if I can help, I will! |
Since this is an Event Guide, here is some update about events. ;-) At the moment there are relatively few weekend events, but lots of weekday events. About two years ago I had said that creating this Dublin Event Guide takes too much time if I focus on both and I decided to put all emphasis on weekend events and only sprinkle in a FEW weekday events. But that was at a different time. But I need some feedback from you! If you read this on Facebook, leave the feedback below. If you read it as an e-mail or on the website, just send me a mail to My question is this: WHAT TYPE of weekday events do you want to hear about most? Simple enough, I hope!? Is it talks? Online gigs? Children events? Virtual Tours? OR what else comes to mind?
And something else: With the new Facebook Layout, Facebook has TOTALLY messed up their events calendar. It is NOT properly searchable anymore, so I really find it hard at times to find good events. Hard doesn’t mean impossible.;-) as you can see every week, but it takes a LOT longer than it should. So forgive me for a) sending this newsletter later on a Saturday morning than I would like and b) sometimes missing some events.
And this brings me to the part that is super important, but that I hate the most. It is the part where I need to ask you for a bit of money to keep the Dublin Event Guide going.
Somebody in Switzerland won the 210mio in the EuroMillions last night, so I will have beg from you again. ;-) If you enjoy the great content in the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)” and want to keep this weekly newsletter alive, then please consider helping with a donation. Any amount will help, but if you are looking for a recommendation, then I would suggest a donation of 12 Euro per year. That’s just one Euro per month for four, sometimes five editions, where else can you get so much value for so little cost. :-)
I have created a brand new Dublin Event Guide Donation Page here. It is really easy to use and uses Stripe’s payment processing. Try it out and in case it doesn’t work for you, the “old” links are still below. ;-) On this new page, you can even choose to sign up for a yearly subscription, so that you don’t need to remember to donate every year. (Look for the RED buttons at the bottom.)
And if the new page doesn’t do it for you, just in case, here are the other links:
To donate you can use the PayPal or the Revolut link OR you can buy me a virtual coffee. Your contribution really counts! Thank you! :-)
Please donate via
or for Revolut users among you just use @joergbrb (Revolut is moving away from phone numbers and to addresses like this one.)
If PayPal or Revolut don’t work for you, you can buy one or two or even three virtual coffees (or Hot Chocolates!) for the Dublin Event Guide and you can do that on the “Buy Me a Coffee” page here .
And if you come to and check out some of the ads and click on the ones that you find interesting, that also helps with a few cent!
Thank you!!
“EPIC – The Irish Emigration Museum” ( are currently sponsoring the Dublin Event Guide and this section of the weekly newsletter will contain relevant information about events in general or about EPIC-related news and happenings.
++ EPIC Explorers: Engenious Ireland Engineers Week Workshop (Educational Groups Exclusive)
Thu 04 Mar – 10:30-11:30 – Online – EUR 25 per booking/class
Calling all budding engineers! EPIC’s Engenious Ireland workshop is an innovative and engaging way to introduce the basics of Engineering to children. This workshop combines the fundamentals and logic applied by engineers with the narrative of Irish Emigration to teach kids how to approach and solve problems, showcase our Irish emigrant engineers and promote the importance of engineering in society. With a mixture of history, trivia and creative tasks, this workshop will challenge children to create their own mode of transport, while learning the history of engineering and its role in Ireland. Suitable for both school and home school/individual students (special rates apply for home school/individual students).
++ EPIC Explorers: International Women’s Day Poster Making Workshop
Mon 8 Mar 2021 – 10:00-11:00 – Online – Cost: EUR 25 per booking/class
Celebrate International Women’s Day by shining a light on Irish Women’s History and getting creative! Suitable for ages 6 – 12 years old, this workshop will explore the fascinating field of women’s history through an Irish lens. Tying into the History curriculum strand ‘the changing roles of women in the 19th and 20th centuries’, we will hear case studies of women who left Irish shores to make their mark across the globe and innovate in their fields, before being inspired to bring them to life, through poster making.
Suitable for both school classes and home school/individual students (special rates for home school/individual students apply).
Free events in Dublin this weekend…
What’s on and free next week….
From Sat 27 February until Fri 05 March, the STEPS Engineers Week will take place online this year. Good organisation is a requirement for a good engineer, but the Engineers Week is not blowing you away with the ease and comprehensiveness of the available information. This is the website I was looking for a list of events on it, but failed to find it. Instead you can find a few things on Facebook but as a consequence of the missing events list, I didn’t include any events in the listings above. Pity!!
IRISH LANGUAGE FESTIVAL – Seachtain na Gaeilge
The Irish language festival “Seachtain na Gaeilge” will take place from 01-17 March and comes with plenty of free events. I found it a bit difficult to find them on the website but if your Gaelic is better than mine, you might have more luck! On Facebook I found some. ;-)
From 01-05 March the Enterprise Week 2021 will take place and – like everything – all events will be online this year. This will give a new opportunity to us to visit MORE events than if it was a physical event. Registration for the events (nearly all are free) is requried and can be done Enterprise Week is organised by the Local Enterprise Offices and they all operate a little different. Take the time to check them all on that website. If you just want to see the headline events, then you will find 10 on the first page of the website
Is learning a new skill part of your plans for the new year? Maybe it is a language or an instrument or some technical skills? Or NLP or some Business related “soft skills”? Check out Udemy via the link below, they have thousands of courses and there is good chance that what you are looking for is available.
The lowest cost for courses this month will be around 12.99. Check out the website at And if you buy through that link, you help the Dublin Event Guide! ;-)
For physical books and e-books I recommend Book Depository because they are usually cheaper than others and they always include delivery for free and by using this link you help the Dublin Event Guide when you purchase a book and it doesn’t cost you a cent: .
Can you trust our government and other authorities?
In my newest blog article I am looking at “Trust in authorities during Covid times” and come to the conclusion – you won’t be surprised – that you can’t trust our authorities. What do you think? The article is here:
And this is it for another week! Have a good weekend and new week.
Take care,
–Joerg |