Event Guide 202: Mindfield Festival, Bray Jazz Festival, Bealtaine, RDS Lecture, EYP Event

April 29th, 2011

| DUBLIN EVENT GUIDE (for Free Events) No. 202
| 29 April 2011 Subscribers: 8428

Hi all!

A super month is ahead of us! Apart from the promising weather, May will be FULL of events, in Dublin, in Ireland and elsewhere and you will be kept busy by following or visiting all that is going on.

It started already today with the “big” wedding in London. I know, for some it is not big at all, but for many it still comes with e certain fascination. Then closer to home, there will be the great Gospel Rising Festival in Portlaoise (www.gospelrising.com) from 06.-08 May. It is an event I will definitely be at (together with the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir and many other Gospel Choirs from all over Ireland.
Then the odd spectacle of the Eurovision Song Contest (www.eurovision.tv) will raise its head again between 10-14 May and many of you will be involved in Eurovision parties. Jedward representing Ireland! Eeek! After they are back in Ireland, the British Queen will arrive for a few days (17-20 May), swiftly by Barack Obama on 23 May (and he will want you to cheer for him in Croke Park as it looks).

Dublin City Soul Festival And then finally a great event for all of us again and an event where no political or emotional allegiances play a role because it is just a brilliant and wonderful event: The Dublin City Soul Festival will take place from 26-29 May with the Soul Picnic taking place in Merrion Square on 29 May. The Dublin Event Guide will support the Dublin City Soul Festival (www.dublincitysoulfestival.com/) in a big way and you will find out all the details here. It starts already today with a competition for a great gig that will be part of the Festival. Check the competition section for all details.

To get all the information about these events and how we can be part of it, you just have to continue reading this Dublin Event Guide. But to make sure that you get the last minute (of first minute) information as well, I recommend that you join the Dublin Event Guide Community on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide

And share the love and all the free event information with your friends and family and tell them about this weekly e-Zine. If anybody ever tells you they are bored in Dublin or they complain that there is nothing happening, poke them and get them to subscribe to Dublin Event Guide. They can do that on www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide by clicking on “Join Email List” in the menu on the left or they can send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with subject SUBSCRIBE DEG. This might help you to get the word out: www.perfectresults.info/event_guide_mini_flyers.pdf

We now are more than 4300 people on the Dublin Event Guide – Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide as well. Come over and click LIKE too. Be part of this growing online facebook community and tell your friends. You will get last minute updates and event reminders through the Facebook Page! And I know you don’t want to miss out!

This week’s Feel Good Slot is a brief clip from a TED talk. TED is a non-profit initiative devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design, hence the name. The TED talk that I selected today is about what counts in life. Ric Elias had a front-row seat on Flight 1549, the plane that crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York in January 2009. What went through his mind as the doomed plane went down? At TED, he tells his story publicly for the first time. www.ted.com/talks/ric_elias.html


This is the last chance to book this event. More than 7000 people have already booked and it will definitely sell out.
The National Achievers Congress in London from 02-04 July will bring three of the most inspiring achievers and speakers together on one stage. Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson and Alan Sugar will speak at this 3-day congress. The standard ticket will be GBP 297+VAT soon, but a few more tickets are available for GBP 197+VAT. You can book at successr.infusionsoft.com/go/72/ranger2285/ and you will find out more information there as well.
I have booked my ticket for this event in July. Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins AND Alan Sugar at one event is worth the money, I think.

This week Tom D made a donation. Every bit is appreciated! Thanks! Every donation will help to secure that you ALL will continue to receive this newsletter every week. You can contribute too and help and even if you have donated a few years back, see if you maybe can help again.

This newsletter is a spare-time activity of mine for which I am not paid. It is not a commercial project and if you like it, you are invited to help with a donation. You can give as much as you want or can, but if you need some guidance, maybe consider just ONE Euro per month or – to make it more practical – a donation of 12 Euro per year (that is just EUR 0.25 per newsletter, you definitely have that much!). Where else can you get such a vast amount of useful information for just 25 cent? www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm

You can donate online by following this link to the PayPal&CreditCard donation page www.perfectresults.info/donation.htm If you want to transfer your donation directly to my account, just send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com and I will send you the details.

This Event Guide is sponsored by Esme E, Cliodhna D, Brian L, Padraig S, Kathie S, Orla niF, Jef B, Susanna N, Kate C, Nicola J, Claus Sch, Gordon S, Jeanne M, Fiona O’C, Marta M, Angela C, Isabelle F, Saundra S, Meisoon N, Ruth F, Valerie McN, Estelle O, Aoife M, Mairin M, Fionán O’L, Maeve L, Blaithin O’D, Ciara D, Mike G, Andrej G, Deirdre R, Vanessa O’L, Chris McK, Frank B, Dolores P, Cornelia K, Cathy A, Orla C, Kevin McC, Steph G, Wanda J, Siv M-J, Niamh niS, Gwen H, Jasmin T, Ian O, Eva C, Will P, Gráinne P, Caroline R, Elizabeth F, Suzanne B, Adele G, Jack C, Keeva H, Mairead MacM, Niamh G, Siobhan C, Jackie B, Penny O’D, Kathryn K, Aidan G, Ciara G, Deirdre L, Stephen D, Mary Q, Donald P, Aidan C, Julia Sch, Isak R-B, Sharon O’S, Brajan V, Nancy O’D, Zelie McG, Niamh K, Jennie R, Semin S, Gavin H, David G, Becky B, Emer niB, Niamh N, Ciaran H, Louis M, Gerard Ph, Monika E, Mark K, James O’H, Pere SC, Marsha D, Sarah McC, Patrick O’C, Sandra R, Christoph Sch, Deirdre O’B, Ellen C, Eimear O’F, Luna B, Leslie C, Elaine McH, Elva O’G, Deirdre G, Martin O’M, Maeve C, Ciara O’C, Sarah D, Patrick C, John O’R, Brian C, Brian R, Caroline C, Elaina O’N, Eilis C, Sandra R, Geraldine D, Nora W, Rachel M, Renata V, Carine S, Ruairi O’G, Donna D, Clare D, Tuna Y, Lisa S-O’G, Aga G, Anna B, Ian S, Joan W, Brian R, Bear N, Sebastian B, Tina M, Will McA, Siobhan H, Soeren G, Sheila McC, Regina Q, Marc F, Kieran O’C, Alan S, Orla K, Mike G, David N, Atri B, Damian L, Orna McE, Colm K, Grainne+Kieran C, Paul A, Cathy A, Damien McK, Sharon O’S, Malachy B, Eily O’C, Bridin McI, George K, Fergus O’C, Caitriona F, Marie N, Sarah M, Kalle R, Mervyn M, Thomas D, Anna-Lena F, Veronica F, Filippo G, Eimear McG, Marion K, Susan D, Patricia O’N, Darren B, Jekaterina O, Fergus G, Ailbhe H, Rainey D-G, Johan S, Gareth S, Evan P, Therese O’R, Rebecca M, Eva C, Ming-jia Y, Niamh S, Nikodem R, Padraig K, Stephanie W, Sarah Ann H, Ailis F, Fiona M, Nazim MG, Maureen P, Alda G, Pia O, Pauline R, Patrick Th, Brendan McC, Deirdre C, Patricia F, Aine G, Linda M, Hans W, Joan K, Ailish L, Tammy W, Darren B, Sarah M, Sophie P, Alessia R, Fiona O’R, Pia O, Paul H, Paul M, Stephanie C, Catherine G, Linda C, Anna O’D, Karen K, Eilis C, Robin S, Olwyn F, Rainey D-G, Gordon S, Irene H, Ellen B, Joe O’D, Geraldine D, Brian L, David L, Mary K, Alison P, Mary McK, James O’C, Joe C, Alan G, Svatka V, Zelie McG, Sean S, Claudia D, Christian K, Cathy G, Barbara Q-B, Anto K, Maria F, Tom D, Orlaith niB, Pauline R, Marta T, Anna O, Stephen Q, Kiera M, Claire McM, Corina R, Sylvie S-M, Julie H-C, Rebecca T, Arthur D, Laura B, Brenda McP, Fiona D, Keeva H, Nihar B, Brendan M, Donna M, Arthur D, Selina McC, Katrin H, Gil H, Padraig P, Melina Z, Cathy A, Thomond C, Raymond R, Nicola R and Noemi V, Ciaran W, Isabel F, Brendan M , Tom D and www.stickyfingerstravel.com (The travel guide for parents travelling with their children.), www.flamencoindalo.com (A group that supports and promotes the art of Flamenco in Ireland.), www.olliart.com (An art curator and seller of art to businesses and private collectors.), www.thepaulkanegallery.com (A great Art Gallery, located at 6 Merrion Square, which supports contemporary Irish artists.) and www.a1computers.ie in Dun Laoghaire/Cabinteely (…who repair computers, printers and sort out Internet problems fast and who sell computers, laptops and lo w priced printer cartridges). The main sponsor is www.kravmagaireland.com, the self-defence training centre for everyone, which provides regular 12-week or 2-day self-defence training courses for beginners.

All events listed in this Event Guide are free of any admission charges (or at least appear to be free) unless otherwise stated. I try to find confirmation in all cases and do my best to double-check the information. However errors can happen and therefore no promise for correctness can be given.

______Joerg’s Picks______________

This section is intended to provide some help in picking and choosing from the huge number of events by sharing with you what I will/might or would do. This is not a “best of…” list and if an event is not listed here, it by no means implies that the event is not interesting. Instead my “picks” are just based on my personal preferences. All events mentioned here are described in detail further down.


Eason’s don’t just sell books of all sorts and for all areas of interest, they sell many other things as well and run regular book signings and readings, so whatever you’re into, get into eason! ad-emea.doubleclick.net/clk;239778697;62611533;y

This evening and/or on Sat I plan to go to the Mindfield Festival in Merrion Square. There are a number of interesting free and many interesting non-free events. The Bray Jazz Festival is on my horizon as well, but I am not sure yet when I will be able to go, because on Sat evening I will leave Dublin for a Christy Moore concert. Should be interesting!

On Sunday then, back in Dublin, my destinations are the Yelp Party in Twisted Pepper and the Mob Fandango gig in the Sugar Club. After all that busy-ness, I will take it easy on Monday and maybe do a bit of work on the Dublin Event Guide, because I have a number of big-ish plans to improve it in a variety aspects.

On Wed the Swing evening is ideal for dancers, but that’s not me. Instead I will probably go to the promising UCD event that compares Talent with Deliberate Practice. Sounds very interesting!

On Thursday the EYP event “Spring into 2011” and the RDS Energy Efficiency Lecture caught my eye, but EYP will probably win. After that I will write the Event Guide and because it takes me so long, I will unfortunately not be able to make it to the NCI Breakfast Meeting. I would love to go, but it will probably not happen.


Hefty Horse present HeftFest in Whelans, Wexford Street on Sat 07 May from 15:00. A long list of bands will perform at this All-Day event and for a whole day of music and entertainment you only have to part with EUR 5 (Tickets available at the door.) Good stuff! The band line up is Goodtime, Sacred Animals, At Last An Atlas, The Holy Roman Army, Spook Of The Thirteenth Lock, Drunken Boat, Norabelle, French Suspense and Cfit. But for my dear Dublin Event Guide readers there are always goodies and special passes available and so the guys from Hefty Horse have made FIVE (!!) pairs of tickets available. If you want to win, send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with HEFTY in the subject line and wit your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 15:00 on Wed 04 May! www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=175704219148250

One of the mail events of the Dublin City Soul Festival will be the Soul Jam for the Musical Youth Foundation, a gig starring Mirenda Rosenberg (USA) & the Rare Groove Funk Orchestra. This gig will be a treat and it will take place in the Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay on Sat 28 May from 20:00-23:00. I will definitely be there and hopefully some of you will make it too! Tickets are EUR 15 including all fees and you can buy them on www.entertainment.ie All proceeds go directly to the Musical Youth Foundation children’s charity, which is helping children to discover music and learn to play guitar instead of wasting their time on other pursuits. The great guys from the Dublin City Soul Festival have now made a pair of tickets available for this gig and to win you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with ROSENBERG in the subject line and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. There is still a bit of time to the gig, but I wanted to tell you already about the gig, so that you can get inform your friends and families and bring all of them! :-) Your competition entry has to be with me by 13:00 on 19 May. (And please only enter the competition ONCE!).
Find out more at www.dublincitysoulfestival.ie/highlights/soul-jam www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=111407152278985

One more chance: The band Sanzkrit from Monaghan will be in the Workman’s Club in Dublin on 04 May and they contacted me. Many of you would have heard them or of them before. They performed at the Electric Picnic 2008 and have lots of other impressive accolades as you can see here www.breakingtunes.com/sanzkrit For their Dublin gig in May, they decided to make two pairs of tickets available for a competition and if you want to win a pair, you have to send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with SANZKRIT in the subject and with your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by 12:00 on 03 May. I had a listen to some of their songs and I really like it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmUct2Omud8 So, you might decide that you don’t want to rely on Lady Luck and instead just go to the gig directly. You can do that too, tickets will be available at the door (EUR 8/6), but here is something that will interest you the: The nice guys from Sanzkrit will do a draw on the night of the gig from the list of the Event Guide Readers that will be present on the night and two winners will get the Sanzkrit album as a thank you for coming. How will you make sure your name is in the hat for the album draw on the night? Just enter the ticket competition (you might even win!) and when you arrive at the Workman’s Club on the night, tell them that you heard about it from the “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”.

Free Delivery on all Books at the Book Depository
Books for lower prices than Amazon, sent to you with no postage cost, individually packed and within 48 hours. And with every book you buy – after clicking on the link below, you directly help the Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)!

A good friend told me about Pete Mulvey first and she said “This guy is really really good, not only talented but so charismatic, his gigs are amazing.”, so there you have it! Peter Mulvey is a US singer-songwriter and he will be in Ireland on 11 May. His gig will be from 20:00-23:00 in Doyle’s, College Street, Dublin 2 and admission for this solo gig is just EUR 10. So before he goes back the US, catch Pete doing his thing and entertaining you for one night only. He will do own songs, tell some stories and do some covers and if you follow this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA4blRQZObg and check his other videos out you get a taste of all this. Tickets are available at the door and ONE pair can be won here. If you want to have a chance, send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with PETE in the subject and your name and mobile phone number in the body of the mail. Your mail has to be with me by Mon 09 May at 13:00. Invite all your friends and spread the word. www.petermulvey.com/ www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=215259065169647

The Colour Team, a new Hair Management company in the Crescent Shopping Centre, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 (near Blanchardstown) made three sets of free Wash & Blow Dry treatments (including Complimentary Conditioning Treatment) available for a competition to celebrate their new opening. And the winners are: Geethanjali Rajendran, Joanne Lohan and Dina Vinci. Congratulations! I will contact you in the next few days! The Colour Team in Mulhuddart can be reached on (01) 8218595 and by sending a FREETEXT “INFO” to 50015.

______Dublin News______________

Astronomy Ireland informs us: The Space Shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to launch today Friday 29 April at 20:47 on its last ever mission. Fifteen minutes later, just after 21:00, people all over Ireland will be able to see the Shuttle and its external fuel tank blaze through Irish skies as it makes its way into space.
Seeing the Space Shuttle carry crew into orbit is a very different sight compared to seeing the International Space Station. You will be amazed at how fast and bright the Shuttle is as its on-board engines blaze brightly. Not only that, but the famous orange fuel tank can be seen falling gently back to Earth, after the Shuttle ejects it.


Eason’s don’t just sell books of all sorts and for all areas of interest, they sell many other things as well and run regular book signings and readings, so whatever you’re into, get into eason! ad-emea.doubleclick.net/clk;239778697;62611533;y

For the last few years, the architectural event Open House Dublin allowed many people in Dublin to see and experience buildings that otherwise would have stayed locked away forever. I was in the Department of Justice and on top of Liberty Hall two years ago and last year I visited Customs House, Mansion House and Busaras and I really like the event. What helps people to find their way around is a great little book that contains pictures of all venues and some explanations and opening hours.
This year the money for this book is not available anymore, so the organisers of the event are looking to get us to help with the funding.
Fund it is a new all-island crowdfunding website for Ireland’s creative projects, giving everyone the power to help good ideas happen. This approach intends to raise money from many individuals and at the same time strengthens the bond between a creator and their audience.
Have a look at www.fundit.ie/project/funders/open-house-dublin-book and maybe you find EUR 5 that you can spare to help with this event. All details can be found when you follow the link, but hurry, once the time is up and the money has not been raised by 100% then the project that was looking for money gets nothing!

Not directly a “Dublin News”, but some interesting news nevertheless that directly or indirectly could affect us should the little Icelandic volcano get all flustered again. RTE reports: “A new study has found that European aviation authorities were right to ground aircraft after the volcanic eruption in Iceland, just over a year ago. Safety fears led to the action as ash from Eyjafjallajokull blew into aircraft flight paths over Ireland, Britain and mainland Europe. The decision disrupted travel for 10 million passengers and cost up to €2.5 billion, leading some critics to question whether the safety fears were justified. Icelandic and Danish scientists analysed samples of ash from the volcano, and found they were capable of causing serious damage to aircraft. Sharp and abrasive fragments would have sandblasted aircraft windows, making them impossible to see through, and had the potential to stall engines. The scientists said the results of the study could form the basis of a safety protocol for rapidly assessing the risk from future volcanic eruptions.” www.rte.ie/news/2011/0426/ash.html


In order to beat an economic downturn not governments can help, but individuals are needed that take the initiative and create new markets and new opportunities for themselves and for their customers and hopefully employees. The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) will help you if you have recently started a company and if you could do with spreading the word. Being mentioned here and being seen by the 8000+ readers of the Dublin Event Guide should help to kick start something big for you. In return I expect you to tell your clients and friends about the Event Guide and once you have made a nice bit of money, a donation would be very much appreciated. ;-) (This offer is for start-ups in relatively early stages only. Established companies can contact me regarding very affordable advertisement options in the Dublin Event Guide.) If you want to promote your start-up/young company here for free, let me know: dublineventguide@gmail.com.

More new company introductions to come!


Based on your feedback, I have decided to do the following with the Exhibition section in this newsletter from now on: I will provide you with a link to a near-comprehensive listing of exhibitions provided by www.visualartists.ie. For me to list all exhibitions would only be doubling their good work and would be an inefficient use of my resources. The link is visualartists.ie/category/listings/exhib-lein/
On top of that I will every now and then include here a small selection of exhibitions that either are not mentioned in the Visual Artist listing or are note-worthy to be mentioned separately.

03-14 May: Clyne Gallery, Upper Exchange St., Temple Bar, Dublin 2
“Wearing Purple” is a photographic exhibition by Garvan Gallagher which will be on show in the Clyne Gallery as part of the Bealtaine Festival.
This is a story about growing old. It is a story of a small village in Co.Donegal, in the North West of Ireland and of some of its inhabitants; the people photographed are adults from Garvan’s childhood. It is a story about their perfectly normal lives photographed in their perfectly normal homes. This project brought Garvan back to the adults he knew as a child, who now happen to be in the social category of ‘senior citizens’. The subjects range from 65 to 98 years of age – the eldest in his hometown of Carrick. Each subject stares into the camera under an artificial light holding the cable release that runs back to the camera, each in control of their own portrait. For more information see bealtaine.com or www.clynegallery.com. www.garvangallagher.com/

05-26 May: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30: No Grants Gallery, 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. – Opening on Thurs 05 May at 18:00.
‘Lino I Know’ is a new exhibition by Fán Regan. It is made up of lino prints and in addition to the exhibition there will be demonstrations throughout the 3 week run (Check www.facebook.com/theprintingrooms for details.) Opening night is Thurs 05 May at 18:00, as part of ‘First Thursdays Dublin’. www.theprintingrooms.com

04 May – 12 June: National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Celebrating the Year of Craft 2011, the National Botanic Gardens host ‘Transformations’ an exhibition by the West Cork Craft & Design Guild. They work in a wide range of craft disciplines including ceramics, knife making, woodturning, bookbinding, jewellery, textiles, and woodwork. ‘Transformations’, focuses on the design, skill and craftsmanship behind the making of the individual pieces inspired by the colour, texture and beauty of the West Cork landscape.

06 May-25 July: Tues-Sun 17:00-00:00 – The Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2. Opening Thurs 05 May: 18:00. “Traces of the Real” is an exhibition of song exposure photographs by Hugh McCabe. A photograph is created by opening the shutter at the start of a song and closing it at the end. The resulting images capture the stages and equipment in vivid detail but cast the performers and audiences as fluid, transient and ghostlike presences in front of the lens. “The aim of the series is to explore the notion of temporality within photographic representation, and to question the idea that photographs should correspond to discrete, frozen moments in time.”
Traces Of The Real will open at the upstairs bar in the Workmans Club on Thurs 05 May at 18:00. The opening night will include a free admission gig in the venue featuring Ireland’s leading Guided By Voices tribute act (Voided By Ponces) as well as numerous others (Squarehead, Yeh Deadlies and more) doing their own interpretations of Guided By Voices songs.
www.tracesofthereal.com and www.theworkmansclub.com/listings/


Fri 29 Apr – Sun 01 May – Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The Mindfield International Festival of Ideas will take place for the first time this year and Merrion Square is the chosen location. A good few events are not free, but there are plenty of free events available as well. Individual events are EUR 10 and the whole lot is included in the festival ticket for EUR 69.
The event’s mission is to “promote Ireland’s development as an international powerhouse for thought leadership by creating new ideas and innovation”. Mindfield will offer talks, debates, workshops and ideas generation spaces, sparking big thinking on everything from architecture to sport; economics to climate change, technology to politics; media to fashion.
The festival schedule is here mindfield.ie/festival-schedule/ and the free events are:
***** Fri 29 Apr *****
+ 20:00-21:30: Remix: Culture Hacking
with Michel Bauwens philosopher (P2P Foundation), Benjamin Gaulon artist (Recyclism) and Darius Whelan (Creative Commons Ireland) and others. Chaired by Kevin Flanagan.
+ 18:00-19:30: HackerSpace – The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative: A presentation by Smari McCarthy (www.immi.is).
+ 19:45-21:45: Workshop: DIY BIO with Cathal Garvey (Nexus Hackerspace, Cork)


***** Sat 30 Apr *****
+ 12:00-14:00: Workshop/ Presentations: The Joys of 3D Printing. Hosted by Christian Kortenhorst (www.tog.ie) with Cathal Garvey (Nexus Cork), Barry O Donovan (theknittingclub.net/)
+ 14:00-15:30: Open Everything – A presentation by Michel Bauwens (Peer to Peer pioneer).
+ 15:30-18:30: Workshop: Crazy LED-Eyed Monsters – Crafting, Storytelling and Electronics. Hosted by Ellen Dudley and Missy (091 Labs)
+ 16:30-18:00: Open SOurece, Open Projects, Open Culture etc with Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation), Raffael Kemenczy (kemenczy.at) , Johnny Ryan (A History of the Internet) chaired by Kevin Flanagan
+ 18:15-19:45: Hack The Planet: Hackerspaces Centres of Creativity and Innovation. Featuring Rob Fitzsimons & Jeffrey Roe (TOG.ie Dublin), Cathal Garvey (Nexus Cork), Adrian Avendano (091Labs.com Galway), Sugrus Jane ni Dhulchaointigh, Barry O Donovan (theknittingclub.net Clare) and members of MILKLabs Limerick.
+ 20:00-21:30: Sharing Trust; Sharing Power: How the Starfish Outlives the Spider with Raffael Kemenczy.
***** Sun 01 May *****
+ 12:00-13:00: City Scapes make & do pop-up books with Maeve Clancy.
+ 13:30 Architecture Tours Ireland: Interactive, family-oriented tours of Merrion Square.
+ 13:30 Book Hunt – like a treasure hunt, with books for bounty. Books donated by Children’s Books Ireland.
+ 13:45-14:45: Theatre Lovett: Louis Lovett in performance.
+ 14:00-16:00: Readings and workshops with authors from Little Island for readers and writers aged 9+
+ 15:00-16:00: Macnas Workshop for young people aged 15-20
+ 12:00-14:00: Workshop: Introduction to Arduino with Rob Fitzsimons (TOG).
+ 14:00-16:00: Workshop: Strategies for a Sustainable Society Hosted by Raffael Kemenczy.
+ 16:00-18:00: The Ideal City: How do We Make Our Cities Fit for Humans?


The Gallery Talk “Understanding 1916” is taking place on Fri 29 Apr from 12:30-13:00 in Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History). (for Adults). “Join Michael Kenny, curator of the exhibition ’Understanding 1916’ on a tour to find out about the events as they took place in that historic week, Easter 1916.” Places are limited and allocated on a first-come basis. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2289

The Irish Writers’ Centre claimed for a long time that this event “takes place every Friday” but their website doesn’t confirm it anymore, so you better check beforehand:
Fr 28 Apr: 13:00 – Irish Writers’ Centre, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The Ink Slingers Creative Writing Hour takes place every Friday at the Irish Writers’ Centre. It is a free creative writing session that is organised and led by the Centre’s voluntary arts administrators. The hour includes writing exercises and prompts to get ideas flowing. It is open to everyone and is suitable for all levels of experience. www.writerscentre.ie/html/events/atthecentre.html

Two events on 29+30 Apr to celebrate the work of playwright Thomas Kilroy in the event series “Across The Boundaries: Talking about Thomas Kilroy” (www.tcd.ie/longroomhub/events/forthcoming/Kilroy.php)
Fri 29 Apr: 18:00-19:30 – Neill / Hoey Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub Building, TCD. “The Modernism of Thomas Kilroy”, a public lecture by Professor Nicholas Grene (TCD). Admission free, but it is essential to book tickets with Lillian Foley: lifoley@tcd.ie
Sat 30 Apr: 14:00-18:00 – Neill / Hoey Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub Building, TCD. Two panel discussions to discuss the work and influence of Thomas Kilroy. Admission free, but you have to book with Lillian Foley: lifoley@tcd.ie

Thur 29 Apr – Sun 01 May: Bray, Co. Dublin
In 2011, the Bray Jazz Festival is in its 11th year and this year nearly 40 concerts, recitals and jazz trail shows at various events will take place. Admission is not free for the main events (i.e. concerts), but in parallel to the official programme a whole range if pubs is providing Jazz in the evenings and most are free. The complete programme is here www.brayjazz.com/brayjazz/Main/Programme.htm and if you check this page you will see the main concerts on the left and the Festival Trail on the right. The two lunchtime concerts in the Royal Hotel on Sat and Sun are free:
Sat 30 Apr: 14:00 – Royal Hotel: Andreas Varady Quartet (Slovakia/Irl)
Sun 01 May: 14:00 – Royal Hotel: Prime Collective – Showcase of Irish jazz
In addition, it appears that all the pub gigs on the Festival Trail are free events and you can choose from an impressive number of 22 events.

Fri 18:00-20:30 – La Cuvee, Custom House Square, IFSC, Dublin 1
From 25 Mar, every Friday live jazz will be provided in La Cuvee. The line up is
29 Apr Kevin Morrow Duo; 06 May Anne Marie Kelly Duo, 13 May Midnight Blue, 20 May Kristina G. Duo, 27 May Colette Henry. www.lacuvee.ie

The Stillorgan Orchard at The Hill in Stillorgan, Co. Dublin has a full programme of live music. The upcoming gigs are:
Fri 29 Apr – Rob Strong
Sat 30 Apr – Santoria
Sun 01 May – Big Band Music (start of the Summer Sundays Big Bands)
Fri 06 May – Donal Kirk
Sat 07 May – Dead Ringer
Admission is free and the gigs start at 21:00. www.stillorganorchard.com/live_music.html

La Dolce Vita, the Italian Wine Bar and Restaurant in Cow’s Lane, Old City, Temple Bar is inviting to weekly Live Jazz every Friday from 21:00-23:30. There will be no cover charge and tables can be booked on 01 7079786. www.ladolcevita.ie The band line up for the Jazz evenings is: 29 Apr: Petra Odlozilikova.

Jose Dominguez tell me that himself and Pia Dunne will perform as the duet “Què Pezón!” every Friday in Stoney’s Bar, Hill Street, off Parnell street. The Show starts at 21:30. www.myspace.com/quepezon and www.quepezon.com

Fri 29 Apr: 22:00 – Sing Sing Club, 28 Dame Street (Basement of the Mercantile Pub), Dublin 2. Ridgewalkers will perform a live set at BiZARRO 2.0 in the Sing Sing night club, DJ Fassman (Spain) will also be on the night and more DJ’s to be announced. www.ridgewalkersmusic.com/

* James Sheeran (Acoustic/Rock/Trad) is playing from 18:00 in Peadar Kearney’s in 64 Dame Street, Dublin 2. And The Eastern Harps (Trad) are playing there from 20:00. Admission is free.
*Graeme McKenna is playing an acoustic gig (Trad to contemporary) every Friday in the Maldron Hotel, Kingswood near CityWest from 19:00.
* Need to wind down after a tiring week? Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation (not physical yoga, but “yoga meditation”!) classes every Friday at 19:30 at 4/5 Eustace Street, Temple Bar (next to IFI, ring bell no. 3) and every Monday from 19:00 in Blakestown Community Resource Center, Blakestown Way, Dublin 15 (next to Lidl). These are drop in classes, newcomers are welcome. For more information check www.coolspirit.info or www.sahajayoga.ie.
* The Covers play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later: DJ Carlos Irie. Admission is free.


(See Friday for details)

(See Friday for details)

30 Apr-21 May: Grand Canal, Royal Canal, Grand Canal Dock etc
The Inland Waterways Association of Ireland is reporting about a very unusual and interesting event: Between 30 Apr and 21 May, 34 boats will make the trip to Dublin from the Erne, the Shannon, the Barrow, the Royal and the Grand Canal in the Dublin Rally 2011. The events start this week in Blanchardstown, Phibsborough, Croke Park, Spencer Dock and Grand Canal Dock and if you are interested in the canals and boars, then check all the details here: dublin.iwai.ie/dub_rally11.html I still am not 100% sure what is happening and I am wondering how the dredging work on the Grand Canal, that still doesn’t seem to be finished will interfere with all this. But, hey, it is certainly an unusual and unique Rally!

The extremely active and buzzing Grand Social (formerly Pravda) near Ha’Penny Bridge is running a Flea Market in the pub every Sat from 12:00-17:00. The next Flea Market is on Sat 30 Apr. Vintage, Retro, Clothes, Music, Books, Furniture, Crafts, Bric-a-Brac, Food, Stalls, Live Performances, Vinyl Dj’s. And if you want to sell something yourself, just contact hapennyflea@thegrandsocial.ie

The Crafty Market in Shebeen Chic on South Great Georges Street is back on Sat 30 Apr (12:00-17:00). Admission is free and there’s live music all day. Expect Art and Crafts, Vintage clothes and bric a brac stalls, live acoustic music upstairs and downstairs ranging from Singer song writers via Trad bands to Jazz. Check out www.thecraftymarket.com

Sat 30 Apr: 13:30 – Tower Records, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
An in-store event with “And So I Watch You From Afar” is taking place.

+ Only a Public Tour about Viking Ireland is taking place today in Kildare Street. The tour is not free, though (EUR 2). www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2289

Sat 30 Apr: 13:00 – Astronomy Ireland, Unit 75, Butterly Business Park, Kilmore Road. Artane, Dublin 5. Astronomy Ireland will host a Daytime Sun Watch at their headquarters in Artane every Saturday over the summer, where you will get to see the Sun in a way that very few people have ever seen before. Our closest star will show incredible detail using special filters that will reveal intricate detail on its surface. Activity on the sun has been hotting up as we approach a solar maximum and massive sunspots are visible most days. This is a free event and is suitable for all the family and all attendees will receive a European Space Agency DVD. www.astronomy.ie

Sat 30 Apr: 14:00-15:00 – Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
Bestselling Irish writer John Connolly will sign First Edition copies of his latest children’s book “Hell’s Bells: Samuel Johnson Vs the Devil”, the sequel to his bestseller “The Gates”. gutterbookshop.com/

Sat 30 Apr: 15:00-16:00 – National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2
The Family Programme on Sat is entitled “Battle Dress” with Mary Broderick. Admission free, no booking required. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson

Sat 30 Apr: 15:00 – Astronomy Ireland, Unit 75 (up the stairs at Unit 25), Butterly Business Park, Kilmore Road, Artane, Dublin 5.
Amateur astronomer Carl O’Beirnes has photographed the International Space Station (ISS) in amazing detail from his back yard observatory in Balbriggan Co. Dublin and will tell the world how he did it at a special Astronomy Ireland talk this Sat. You can see the impressive picture here www.astronomy.ie/iss.php O’Beirnes will be sharing information on how you too could become an amateur astronomer and how those already involved can develop their hobby. The talk will include demonstrations of each step of the image capture process and an extensive Q&A session afterwards. www.astronomy.ie

“Rhythm Rocker at The Globe” is a weekly event in The Globe in Sth Great Georges Street, Dublin 2. It is a Rockabilly, R’n’R, Roots night with live bands Pavement Kings and The Wayward Sinner Boys (in alternating weeks, it seems) from 20:00 and with DJs from 23:00-01:30. Admission is free. www.globe.ie

* Don’t forget that the Temple Bar Markets (Food Market on Meeting House Square, Book Market on Temple Bar Square and the Designer Mart near Cow’s Lane) are taking place every Saturday from 10:00-16:30. The Food Market is – until June – divided in parts and distributed in different locations in Temple Bar.
* The SuperNatural Food Market is taking place every Saturday from 09:30-15:30 in St. Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. www.supernatural.ie
* Dublin Food Co-op is open every Saturday (09:30-16:30) at Newmarket, Dublin 8 for organic wholefoods and sustainable household products, plus over a dozen producer stalls offering organic fruit and veg., baked goods, dairy produce, wines, hot and cold food, etc. Additional Co-op opening Thursdays 12:00-20:00. www.dublinfood.coop
* The weekly Honest2goodness food market with fresh meat, vegetables, fish, baked goods, wines in Glasnevin is open from 09:30-16:00. It is behind Lidl in the Industrial Estate just after the Glasnevin Cemetary coming from the City Centre. (www.honest2goodness.ie)
* At the Blackrock Market in the centre of Blackrock, you find 50 stalls selling collectibles, antiques, handmade goods, books, food + there’s free popcorn and ballons&facepainting for the kids. www.blackrockmarket.com/ Opening: Sat+Bank Holidays: 11:00-17:30, Sun: 12:00-17:30
* Meditation through Breathing: Every Saturday from 11:00-12:00 this event will take place in Iveagh Gardens (at the back, near fountains). The event is free of charge, but since it is weather dependent, you are asked to call beforehand to ensure the class is on (087 2045168). Suitable for all. No previous experience required. Wear comfortable warm clothes and bring a yoga mat/light blanket.
* Blackhorse Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Saturday from 10:00-18:00 the Blackhorse Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. theblackhorsemarket.com
* Trad Session – Schoolhouse Pub in 2-8 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge. Every Saturday from 20:30 singers, guitar, fiddle, banjo, accordion, whistle, pipers, bodhran etc are all welcome to join in. www.schoolhousehotel.com/
* The Black Sheep play Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Later Dj Glenn Brown (Dublin Calling). Admission is free.
* Havana Tapas Bar is inviting to a Salsa Night with afro-latin percussion every Sat night 22:30-02:00. Bachata, salsa, merengue, reggeaton with latin DJs. Food is available until 00:30 and usually there is plenty of room to get dancing and you are invited to add your own percussion. www.facebook.com/pages/Havana-Tapas-Bar/10503361821

______Sunday __________________

(See Friday for details)

(See Friday for details)

From Sun 01 – Tues 31 May the Bealtaine Festival 2011 will take place. This national arts festival celebrates creativity in the older age and hundreds of events are taking place across the country. (Bealtaine is the name of the Celtic festival celebrating springtime.) In previous years it was suggested that the festival was for 55+, this year the organisers only say “in the older age”, but when you check the Festival’s umbrella organisation “Age & Opportunity”, you will find out, that they see the lower limit at 50 years of age. The Festival embraces all art forms and encourages participation in the Arts by older people as artists, performers, event organisers and audience. From dance to cinema, painting to theatre, Bealtaine showcases the talents and creativity of both first-time and professional older artists.
It is a chance for people to make new and challenging work, a chance to communicate traditions between the generations. It is a chance for the novice to discover a talent until then unseen and a chance for a long-dormant skill to find a new outlet.
www.bealtaine.com The complete festival programme can be downloaded here bealtaine.com/sites/all/files/Bealtaine2011.pdf and the programme for the Dublin region is segmented on this page: bealtaine.com/node/93 Nearly all events are free, but often booking is required. – There are sooo many events taking place, that I will not be able to include them all in the Dublin Event Guide. I will include some, but strongly suggest that you check the full programme or the Dublin programme and select the events you are interested in, assuming that you are in the target age group. ;-)

Sun 01 May: 10:00-17:15 – Farmleigh House is in the North Western corner of Phoenix Park. Another Farmleigh Food Market is taking place before there will be a long break again until 12 June. Now located in the old car park beside the Farmleigh Gallery, the market has lost a good bit of its flair, but the products from award winning cheeses to organic vegetables, chutneys, meats, fish and confectionery are still the same good selection of fresh food choices for your culinary pleasure. www.farmleigh.ie/

Sun 10:30-12:30 – Phoenix Park Visitor Centre.
The weekly Children’s Art Cart Workshops is taking place every Sun. Up to 15 children (5yrs+) can participate but they must be supervised by an adult. The next workshops are 01 May: Go on a Spring treasure hunt and identify & draw your finds!
08 May: Make your own park Grass, swings, lake. 15 May: Medieval Life – Includes visit to Ashtown Castle; 22 May: Make your own detailed Maps; 29 May: Insects & Birds of the Park. To confirm that it takes place ring 01-6770095. www.phoenixpark.ie/newsevents/title,12181,en.html

Sun 01 May: 11:30 – Meeting Point: Parnell Square.
This year’s Dublin May Day march and rally will be held on Sun 01 May. Assembly point is at Parnell Square and the march will then go to Liberty Hall. The theme is ‘Resisting Austerity’. The march is organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions. www.indymedia.ie/article/99343
(Unfortunately the Event Organisers don’t suggest what should take over from “Austerity” after the Trade Unions have ‘resisted’ it. If there is no money, then you have to save somewhere. So, “Austerity” is not a really a choice. Assuming that the Trade Union Leader salaries that were listed in a 2009 report (www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/union-leaders-salaries-revealed-431314.html) did not decrease significantly, it seems that even the toughest Austerity measures will leave PLENTY of money for the heads of the unions!)

Sun 01 May: 12:00-13:00 – Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell St North, Dublin 1
The weekly “Sunday at Noon” concerts are back. Admission is free and no booking is required. This week the theme is “Celebrating Bartok”. Michael d’Arcy (violin) and Izumi Kimura (piano) will perform Ronan Guilfoyle’s Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2 and Bela Bartok’s Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2. www.hughlane.ie/past-sunday-concerts/356-celebrating-bartok

Sun 01 May: 12:30-14:30: Exchange Dublin, Exchange St Upper, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Knowledge Exchange is an open collective group that aims to bring education and learning to everyone. This talk on Sunday is entitled “Health and Fitness Demystified”. Its description says “In this age of information overload when it comes to our physical wellbeing we are bombarded with incorrect advice, useless gadgets, pills/supplements and pure hype. Get the knowledge to workout smarter not harder, and without the huge pricetag. The primary aim being to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions that run rife in the health and fitness world.” www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163128367080296

Sun 01 May: 14:00-17:00 – Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. “An open collective meeting will be held this Sun to discuss and plan a new season of free public lectures. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and take part, whether you have an idea for a lecture, a venue or a way to connect to more people.
Knowledge is an open collective group that aims to bring education and learning to everyone. Our public spaces, parks, streets corners – in fact anywhere we can gather – should be places where we share everything we know with each other.
To help breakthrough obstacles and to bring open learning to everyone, Knowledge will run seasons of free public lectures. These short courses will be presented by volunteers with a background in and a passion for the given area.
For the second season we’re hoping to expand the repertoire of Knowledge with more lectures/talks/workshops/rambling interactions and spread it across more of Dublin city. To achieve this we’re hoping to run pop-hedge schools, outdoor talks around the city centre, walking lectures as well as picnics and dinners.
If you have any ideas of disciplines you feel would be worthwhile for others to have the chance to know more about or new innovative ways to structure learning or you just like bouncing around thoughts please come and along and take part.”

The Documentary Screenings: Rivera + Kahlo will take place from 10 April – 15 May. Two documentaries are screened: Diego Rivera, Revolutionary Artist (BBC, 60 minutes 1987) + The Life and Death of Frida Kahlo (Karen and David Crommie, 40 minutes, 1966). The screenings are taking place on Sundays only at 13:00-14:40 and 15:00-16:40 in the Lecture Room if the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. Admission is free and no booking is required. www.imma.ie/en/page_212363.htm

The Dublin Sketchers Group is an informal group of typically hobby artists who go somewhere different in Dublin every Sunday (e.g. Collins Barracks, Farmleigh, Botanic Gardens, Dublin Castle), sketch for an hour or so, and then meet up for coffee afterwards and discuss their sketches. www.dublinsketchers.blogspot.com/ Find out on their website where they will meet and join them if you do some sketching/drawing yourself.

Sun 01 May: 14:30 – National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. A Guided Walk entitled “Blossoms from China” is taking place in the National Botanic Gardens. Many of our common garden plants are Chinese in origin. May is the best time to see Paeonies, the Handkerchief Tree, Wisteria and many other flowering plants in full bloom. Come and see the Chinese plants at their best.

+ The National Museum will contribute to this year’s “Bealtaine” with lots of events from 01-31 May. The events will take place at Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History) and are free. It will be impossible to list all events here, so please check yourself for anything that interests you if you belong to the Bealtaine target age group. www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2290
+ The Hands-on History Family Event (Adults and children 5 years +) will take place in Collins Barracks (Decorative Arts & History) on Sun 01 May from 15:00-16:00. “Fun family learning with the Museum’s collection of objects especially for handling. Drop-in event.” www.museum.ie/en/list/calendar-of-events.aspx?eventID=2291

Sun 01 May: 15:00-16:00 – Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1
The next Sunday Sketching for 7+ Year olds has the title “Following the Artists’ Animal Trail”. No booking necessary. Admission is free and early arrival is recommended. www.hughlane.ie/childrens-workshops/forthcoming

Sun 01 May: 15:00-15:45 – National Gallery, Merrion Square West, Dublin 2.
The free lecture “Exploring the Sketchbooks of JB Yeats” with Pauline Swords, National Gallery of Ireland will take place. Free public lecture. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson

Saucy Sundays is a live music session happening in the The Grand Social (former Pravda) near Ha’Penny Bridge. The next event will be on 01 May from 15:00-20:30 and the line-up will be Nico Fitz, Tom Cooney, Maggie Hildrick and the Mean Streets, Me&The General, Will Bury, The Guilty Folk, New Secret Weapon. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001494016795&v=wall www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127810143960479

Sun 01 May: 16:00-18:00 – Twisted Pepper, Middle Abbey Street.
The review website Yelp, which has 1.5 million unique visitors worldwide per month is throwing a free party on 01 May. It’s to celebrate local & independent business and welcome in a new era for local businesses. Admission is free and everything on offer will be free too. You can watch chefs make sushi and try authentic Mexican food and more in between. It is a 18+ event and all you have to do is reply through this link:
www.yelp.ie/events/dublin-yelps-secret-party or you can save your spot by e-mailing dublin@yelp.ie. Per person up to 4 tickets can be requested. GoCar, the car-sharing initiative, will also collect and drop people to the venue from posts in Ranelagh and Smithfield and if you want to avail of this mail dublin@yelp.ie for more info. Featured sponsors are Manilla Café, Burrito & Blues, Corner Bakery, Hanley’s Cornish Pasties, Di Fontaine Pizza, Café Azetca, Cornucopia, Cooley Distillery Whiskey, Trouble Brewing, Metalman, Barefoot wines, Eliane Kennedy Eye Make up, Cabaret from Rose Lawless and Career Coach Greg Fry.

Sun 01 May: 20:00-02:00 – The Sugar Club, 8 Lwr. Leeson Street, Dublin 2.
Mob Fandango, a brilliant ten-piece band funk and soul band with a really great brass section, is a must see/hear. They will launch their debut EP “Dig” on Sunday in the Sugar Club and will be supported by “Creamy Goodness”. The gig will start at 20:00 and admission is free before 21:00 (EUR 5 after 21:00). Listen to Mob Fandango here www.myspace.com/mobfandango and to Creamy Goodness here www.myspace.com/creamygoodnessmusic. www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=117380081672843

* The Temple Bar Book Market is taking place every Sat+Sun on Temple Bar Square from 11:00-18:00.
* Jamestown Flea Market + Car Boot Sale. Every Sunday from 10:00-17:00 the Jamestown Market is taking place. You can reach it from Tyrconnell Road and from Kylemore Road and it is within 3 min from Black Horse stop on red Luas line. www.jamestownmarket.com
* The Odeon Bar & Grill (Old Harcourt Street Station, Dublin 2) are inviting all families on Sat+Sun from 12:00-18:00 to a “Matinee Brunch Club”. Good Food, Kids movies (14:00) and kids under 3 eat for free. www.odeon.ie/matinee.html
* Afternoon Jazz in Café en Seine. The Sweet & Lowdown Jazz Trio play every Sunday from 14:00-16:00 in Café en Seine in Dawson Street. Admission is free. www.stellabass.com and a video is here gush.ie/clients/sweetlow/video/
* Sunday Roast is a weekly event in the Mercantile in 28 Dame Street from 21:00-01:00. Provided are free live music, games & roast potatoes. www.facebook.com/pages/Dublin-Ireland/Sunday-Roast/57594006610
* Graeme McKenna plays an acoustic gig (from trad to contemporary) every Sun at 18:00 in Number6 on Smithfield Square. www.number6.ie/
* “Loose Change” play in Gibneys Pub, New St., Malahide every Sunday from 18:00-20:00.
* Comedy Crunch – Shebeen Chic. The Comedy Crunch is a free Stand Up comedy downstairs in Shebeen Chic, Sth Great Georges Street from 21:00 every week. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Comedy-Crunch/83791357330
* From 21:00 in The Bleeding Horse on Camden Street “The Apollo Sessions” is a free show featuring multiple styles of original music from local and international musicians and songwriters www.myspace.com/thebleedinghorsesessions
* Every Sunday “The Latin Beat” will take place in the Odeon in Harcourt Street from 20:00-02:00. A band will play from 21:00-22:30, a Latin Beat Club, Brazilian DJs and Salsa Classes will be additional features. Admission is free. www.odeon.ie/
* The Burning Effigies are playing afrobeat, jazz, funk and soul every Sunday from 23:00 in Turk’s Head in Parliament Street. www.turkshead.ie
* Gardiner Street Gospel Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church at the top of Gardiner Street near the junction with Dorset Street every Sunday at 19:30. Everybody is welcome independent from your level of religiousness. www.gardinerstreetgospelchoir.com

If you are just looking for Sunday events, please check the event list for Saturday as well. A good few events are taking place on Saturday AND Sunday, but it wouldn’t make sense to list them twice.

______Next Week_______________


The first Monday is in Ireland a bank holiday. Unlike in other countries, Ireland doesn’t celebrate the 01 May (Labour Day) as a bank holiday, instead we get the first Monday off. Most shops, restaurants etc are open, so in the end the bank holiday is only for office workers. If you want to park in the City Centre, you can do so in Pay&Display areas without having to pay. However, bus lanes, loading bays, Taxi Stands and disabled parking spaces are to be adhered to as on any weekday.
Often regular events don’t take place on a Bank Holiday Monday, so check it out before you look forward to go to a specific event.

Mon 02 Apr: 13:10: Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The IFI invites to free screenings of films from the IFI Irish Film Archive. Simply collect your free tickets at the IFI Box Office when you get there. (You might have to pay a 1 Euro membership for the day.) The film on Mon is “The Columban Fathers present: President Kennedy in Ireland” (1963, 25min). This is the only professional colour film of President Kennedy’s visit to Ireland in the summer of 1963. Kennedy was the first U.S. President to visit an independent Ireland and his visit was greeted with a joyful display of national pride. This film records his speeches and captures the spirit of the visit in Dublin, Cork and Galway. www.irishfilm.ie/cinema/dispfilm_07.asp?filmID=7334&Date=02/05/2011&PageID=15

Mon 02 May: 15:00 – Eason’s, Dundrum Shopping Centre
An in-store event and Book Signing is taking place with Darren Shan, author of the new book “Ocean of Blood”. www.eason.ie/events

KILMAINHAM ARTS CLUB – Kilmainham Arts Club
Mon 02 May: 20:00 – Patriot Inn, South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
The Kilmainham Arts Club is a monthly Arts event held in the Patriots Inn, Kilmainham. It is a showcase for all artists, both local and from further afield, to present their work, be it music, visual art, film, dance, poetry, in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. The night runs on the first Monday of each month and admission is free. Send your submissions in advance to kilmainham.arts.club@gmail.com if you want to show your art. . www.kilmainhamartsclub.wordpress.com

Mon 02 May: 20:00 – The Workmansclub, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
“Come Get Yer Act Together” is a band showcase that takes place every Monday in the Workman’s Club. On 02 May two acoustic performances will be the lineup: Young Bee and Robert Jordan. Admission is free. www.theworkmansclub.com/2011/04/27/come-get-yer-act-together-acoustic-020511/

Mon: 21:00 – Anseo, Camden Street, Dublin 2
The first three Mondays of every month the Solar Trio with guests, host a free improvised music gig upstairs in Anseo on Camden st. Creating their own unique takes on old jazz standards along with totally improvised on the spot jams. Expect swing and hard, deep grooves meshed together with post progressive and contemporary meandering sections.

* Every Mon from 20:00-22:00 in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, 78 Grafton Street, the music collective the ‘Lazy Band’ is playing roots, trad and folk songs from Ireland, England, America. Admission is free. Laid-back atmosphere, unplugged and informal. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lazy-Band/137845161717
* ‘Hugh Cooney Don’t Like Monday’, a cabaret and live visual performance by Hugh Cooney, will take place every Monday night from 20:30 at The Pygmalion, South William Street, Dublin 2 (in Powerscourt Shopping Centre). Admission free. www.facebook.com/pygmaliondublin
* From 21:00 in the International Bar, 23 Wicklow Street: The Glór Sessions feature acoustic singer-songwriters, comedy, spoken word and poetry hosted by Stephen James Smith. Entry is free. www.stephenjamessmith.com/Glor.html www.facebook.com/TheGlorSessions
* In O’Byrne’s Beverage House at 199 King St North (Corner of Capel Street and Bolton Street) a live music session “Jam with Karmann Reeves” will take place. Musicians are welcome to participate. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001158421465
+ Comedy Night in Panti Bar. A new free Comedy Night with comedy improv, stand up and sketch every Monday night in Panti Bar on Capel St from 21:00. entertainment.ie/event/Comedy/Pantibar/A-Bear-A-Bull-And-A-Chicken-Walk-Into-A-Bar/2563419.htm
* From 21:30 a traditional Irish music session is taking place in Kennedy’s Pub in Drumcondra. Admission is free.
* From 22:00, the front bar of Whelan’s is the venue for the Open Mic event “Acoustic Nightmares Night”, organised by the band The Mighty Stef and some members from The Last Tycoons. This is a free event. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* Upbeat Generation is playing Soul/Funk/Rock Covers in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2 from 22:00. Later: DJ Rasheed. Admission is free.


Tues 03 May: 10:30-11:15 – National Gallery, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The free public lecture “Jack B. Yeats: An Artist Ahead of his Time” with Dr Róisín Kennedy, University College Dublintakes place. www.nationalgallery.ie/whatson

The Royal Danish Embassy in Dublin is inviting to a lunchtime concert with the Copenhagen Chamber Ensemble at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin on Tues 03 May at 13:00-14:00. The music will be European baroque music with composers like Vivaldi, Telemann, Händel and Bach. The concert in St. Patrick’s will be the ensemble’s first performance in Ireland, and it is arranged in cooperation with The Danish Embassy in Ireland and The Danish Cultural Institute in Edinburgh. I am told the concert will be free.

Tues 03 May: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2.
Laura Freixas (Barcelona, 1958) was first known in 1988 for her collection of short stories “El asesino en la muñeca”. Along with her contribution to fiction Laura Freixas has developed an intense work both as a scholar and a promoter of literature written by women. At this lecture in the Instituto Cervantes she will talk about Carmen Martin Gaite, an award winning Spanish author from Salamanca, who lived from 1925-2000. In Spanish with English simultaneous translation available. Admission is free. dublin.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha72236_16_2.htm

Tues 03 May: 20:00 – Pepper Canister Church, Upper Mount St, Off Merrion Square, Dublin 2. The DIT Chamber Choir invites to an evening of German Romantic songs from Brahms and Schubert, alongside the premiere of a new work by DIT composition student, Norah Walsh, entitled Recession. This is the last event of the academic year for the choir and it will be conducted by David Brophy, principal conductor with the RTE National Concert Orchestra and will be accompanied on piano by Aileen Cahill and Robert Yeo. The event should be listed here, but unfortunately hasn’t appeared there yet: www.dit.ie/conservatory/events/

Tues 03 May: 20:00 – The Workman’s Club, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
Young Hearts Run Free are back at The Workman’s for their bimonthly night of everyone from Destroyer to Dusty Springfield, featuring residents Peter Toomey and Siobhán Kane, and Peter Symes (Skinny Wolves) and special guests. Admission is free and there will be cake. www.theworkmansclub.com/2011/04/28/young-hearts-run-free-030511/

* Open Mic Night with The Last Tycoons in O’Donoghue’s on Suffolk Street every Tues from 20:00. It’s free and anyone can get up, sing a song or do whatever they like. www.facebook.com/pages/ODonoghues-Open-Mic/71834618844
* O’Byrne’s Beverage House at 199 King St North (Corner of Capel Street and Bolton Street) has a live music session with Sean Og McKenna and Friends every Tue at 21:00. Musicians welcome to participate. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001158421465
* Live Jazz and Blues from 21:00 every Tuesday in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2.
* In the Bankers Inn on Trinity Street (off Dame Street) at 21:30: An acoustic singer-songwriter session hosted by Dave Murphy. A contribution is requested but not required. This is a listening club so is very quiet and features a lot of experienced songwriters trying out new material. www.myspace.com/davemurphyandfriends
* From 21:30, O’Briens on Dame Street (next to the Mercantile Pub) is the venue for a further Open Mic event of acoustic rock’n’roll organised by the band The Mighty Stef. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/pages/THE-MIGHTY-STEF/17575454643
* White Chocolate is playing Rock Covers from 22:00 in The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2


Wed 04 May: 13:00 – Central Library, Ilac Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1
The Bealtaine Short Film Programme will contain sig Short films with a duration of 45 min. The films, their directors and a short synopsis are provided on www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/bealtaine_2011_short_films.aspx Admission is free, but booking is important on 01-873 4333

Wed 04 May: 13:10: Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
The IFI invites to free screenings of films from the IFI Irish Film Archive. Simply collect your free tickets at the IFI Box Office when you get there. (You might have to pay a 1 Euro membership for the day.) The film on Wed is “A Second Of June” (1984, 40min) The visit of President Ronald Reagan was greeted with much less enthusiasm than the visit of John F Kennedy in 1963. This delicately told tale follows two young people on their Ulyssean wanderings through Dublin on the day of his visit, capturing the clamour of the anti-Reagan protesters and providing a finely textured picture of Dublin street life in the early ‘80s.

04 May: 13:00-14:00 – Neill / Hoey Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, TCD.
“The Future of the Past: Recent Developments in the National Library of Ireland” is a lunchtime lecture by Fiona Ross, Director of the National Library of Ireland. Admission is free. www.tcd.ie/longroomhub/events/forthcoming/index.php

Wed 04 May: 13:15 – 14:00 – Twisted Pepper, Abbey St, Dublin 1
This lunchtime reading in the Twisted Pepper features poets and writers Bernie O’Reilly, Liz McSkeane Michael Farry, Roger Hudson. www.seventowers.ie

Wed 04 May: 15:00 – National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.
A lecture from resident expert mycologist Howard Fox entitled “Fungi of Glasnevin” will explain and explore the different types of fungi to be found within the grounds of the National Botanic Gardens. www.botanicgardens.ie/news/events.htm

Wed 04 May: 18:00 – Instituto Cervantes, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, quite near the National Gallery. – The Spanish Cultural Institute, Instituto Cervantes, is inviting to the first session of “The short film on the map”, four productions from the Basque Country will be screened: Asämara, Self-portrait, On the Line, Lent Time (in Spanish with English subtitles).

Wed 04 May: 19:00 – Latin American Solidarity Centre, 5 Merrion Row, Dublin 2. This event will update on the situation in San Juan Copala in Oaxaca Southern Mexico, where last year two humanitarian aid worker where killed. In addition some videos and short films will be screened and a discussion will follow. Find all details about this event here: www.lasc.ie/content/tnt-commemoration-bety%E2%80%99s-life

04 May: 19:15/20:15/21:30 – Garda Club, Harrington Street, Dublin 2
The Dublin Swing (Dancing) scene is active and BIG and if you haven’t been involved yet, you might have no clue. There are club nights, courses and get togethers in a whole variety of locations and now a new one is being added.
The new Rug Cutter’s Club will take place every Wednesdays from 04 May with month-long short courses, great DJs and a huge dance floor. The first night is free if you print this flyer and bring it: www.perfectresults.info/RCC_flyer.jpg
Each month the classes will have a different theme. For May, the 19:15-20:15 class will be Intermediate Lindy Hop and then there will be Beginners Swing (Lindy Hop) from 20:15-21:15. If you’ve never learnt to dance before, or if you want to fine tune the basics, then the 20:15 class is the place for you.
After the classes, take to the floor, swing out and practice those moves, there will be a host of resident DJs playing the best swing, jazz, blues and lounge music. There will also be a tap circle from 21:30-22:00 and a Balboa circle at the same time. Each May course is EUR 40 or pay EUR 8 from 21:15 for the social dancing. But remember, the first night is free if you bring the flyer at www.perfectresults.info/RCC_flyer.jpg www.dublindy.com

Wed 04 May: 19:30 – Tower Records, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
An in-store event with author and ex-Rolling Stone journalist, Neil Strauss, will take place. Strauss will do a signing of his new book ‘Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead’. Strauss has interviewed every famous person you could possibly think of and he will tell the stories. (www.neilstrauss.com/elywyd/) entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm

Wed 04 May: 19:30 – Theatre C004, Health Sciences Building, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4. The School of Psychology, UCD, presents a lecture by Prof Anders Ericcson entitled “The Making of Experts by Deliberate Practice and why Innate Talent does not Seem to Matter”. K. Anders Ericsson, PhD, is presently Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. The lecture is open to everyone and admission is free. The question discussed is a VERY interesting one, because we typically think that we need to be talented to be good in an area, but new psychology suggests that this is not the case! www.ucd.ie/psychology/news/maintext,86372,en.html

04 May: 19:30 – Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin 2
See Change is a partnership of organisations working to change minds about mental health problems and they will run “Make a Ripple”.
The launch of the “Make a Ripple” Campaign, a campaign to tell stories and build a community of voices to tackle mental health stigma, takes place 04 May. There will be stories from people who have experienced mental health problems, a short introduction to the campaign and music from the Dublin Gospel Choir. The campaign will be launched by Minister for Disability, Equality and Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch TD. Tickets are free but numbers are limited. To reserve a ticket and for more information visit www.seechange.ie/index.php/blog/195-invitation-to-launch-of-see-change-make-a-ripple

Every Wed from 21:00-23:00, The Swing Factory (Paul Sweeney – trumpet, Neil McMahon sax, Bob Whelan vocals/keys Dave Fleming bass, Ian Hyland – drums) will be playing Jazz in O’Reilly’s Pub in Sandymount, D4. Admission is free.

* The “Havana International Language Exchange” is taking place every Wed from 16:30-19:30 in Havana Tapas Bar in George’s Street. There are many Spanish speakers and English-speakers are explicitly invited, but everyone else is certainly very welcome too, to meet for a chat to improve your Spanish or English. www.facebook.com/pages/Havana-Tapas-Bar/10503361821
* “The Zodiac Sessions” is a regular open mic event from 20:30 in Bruxelles (between Grafton Street and Westbury Hotel) for unsigned musicians. Admission is free and there is a different line-up every week. www.thezodiacsessions.com/
* “The Song Room” is another open mic event. It takes place in The Globe in George’s Street at 20:30 every Wednesday. www.hamletsweeney.com/events/
* The Alex Mathias Jazz Quartet will perform every Thursday from 21:00 in the International Bar on 23 Wicklow Street. www.alexmathias.com/
* Traditional Irish Music Session in Hedigan’s (The Brian Boru) in Phibsborough from 21:30 every Wednesday. If you play an instrument you are especially welcome (all levels are welcome).
* Seven Deadly Skins are playing Reggae/Ska Covers from 22:00 with DJ Dotsie later. The Mezz, 24/25 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, D2. Admission is free.


Thurs 05 May: 16:00 – Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. In the form of a gallery talk artist Alice Maher responds to selected works in the exhibition “Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: Masterpieces of the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection”. Admission is free. www.imma.ie/en/page_212362.htm

Thur 05 May: 18:00 – Tower Records, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
An in-store event with the “Bipolar Empire” is taking place.

05-07 May: KTcontemporary, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.
A group of artisan enterprises in Donnybrook came together to celebrate and promote their village and their businesses. Over three days they intend to promote Donnybrook Village as a thriving centre of innovative design, creative flair, high value products and services. The event will run on Thurs (18:00-21:00), Fri (12:00-18:00) and Sat (12:00-16:00). 18 businesses take part in this three-day showcase exhibition in KT Contemporary gallery. www.donnybrookflair.ie

Thurs 21 Apr-26 May: 18:30-20:00 – Business Information Centre, Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry St., Dublin 1
A series of free lectures on hot to “Start and Grow Your Own Business” starts on 21 April. The lectures are
* 28th Apr Ideas Generation & Market Research
* 05th May Ethnic Entrepreneurship
* 12th May Marketing on a Shoestring
* 19th May Financing your Business
* 26th May Business Planning Structure
Admission is free but booking is essential. To book and fro more information check www.dublincity.ie/RecreationandCulture/libraries/Events/Pages/syob_2011.aspx and www.dceb.ie/starting-a-business/library-talks

Thurs 05 May: 19:00-22:00 – Ely Wine Bar, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1
EYP Dublin (European Young Professionals) are inviting to a free wine & speaker evening for young professionals on Thurs in the Ely Wine Bar next to (or in) the CHQ building at the IFSC. Two entrepreneurial speakers will talk. Mary Ryan, Founder of Product Innovator Ltd. and Colin Lawlor, VP of the Irish Exporters’ Association will share their thoughts on taking chances in the current economic climate. In addition you will get a free glass of wine and an opportunity to network. The event is free for EYP members and becoming a member is free (www.eypglobal.org/dublin/). For non-members there is an admission charge of EUR 5. Confirm your attendance here www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=192334857476455 www.eypglobal.org/dublin/$eyp_dublin_news/2011/04/14/spring_into_2011_with_eyp_dublin

Thurs 05 May: 19:00 – Minerva Suite, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Josephine Maguire, the Programme Manager of the newly introduced National Retrofit Programme and Joe Durkan, a mechanical engineer and a qualified building energy rating (BER) assessor will talk about “Energy Efficiency in the House” in this lecture of the RDS Energy Lecture Series.
The average house consumes about 14,000 units of gas per year or 2,000 litres of oil; through energy efficiency and simple insulation measures this figure can be reduce by 50%. In 2010 alone, over 70,000 homes were upgraded through the retrofit programme, which in turn has helped support more than 5,000 Irish jobs. To date the Government has provided incentives of €70m which will result in energy savings worth €250m over the lifetime of the retrofitted houses.
This lecture will provide an outline of the national retrofit programme and the types of energy efficiency measures that are funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Admission is free but booking is essential on www.rds.ie/cat_event_detail.jsp?itemID=1096043

Thurs 19:00-01:00 – Dakota Bar, 8/9 South William Street, Dublin 2
“The Beauty Spot at Dakota” is a weekly night of Fashion, Beauty, Shopping and Drinks in association with Style Nation. Beauty tips and advice given by Top Make Up Artists, Hair Stylists, alongside a ‘Pop Up Shop’ hosting vintage & contemporary fashion and accessories. Different theme and treatments every week.

Thurs 05 May: 19:30 – Hughes & Hughes Dundrum.
Hughes&Hughes in Dundrum have confirmed that Barbara Keating, author of this month’s Book Club choice, ‘To my Daughter in France’ will be at the “Meet the Author” event in Dundrum. The meeting takes place above the Dundrum store in Cafe Libro. www.hughesandhughes.ie/content/events

Thurs 05 May: 20:00 – The Workmansclub, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
The Guided By Voices Celebration Night with Voided By Ponces, Squarehead, Yeh Deadlies, The Riot Tapes, Powered By Springs and The Former Soviet Republic will take place on Thurs. “Not many people know this, but the worlds greatest ever band is not some bunch of relics from the 1960s, but Dayton Ohio’s Guided By Voices, who blazed a trail of glory over two decades or so before calling it a day in 2004. If you are one of the people who do know this, then you will need no further encouragement to attend Dublin’s first ever Guided By Voices celebration night, at the Workmans Club. If you are not, then this is your chance to find out why GBV are the favourite band of such disparate personalities as Graham Linehan, Steven Soderbergh, and recently installed White House press secretary, Jay Carney.” www.theworkmansclub.com/listings/

Thurs: 20:30 – O’Reillys Rock Bar, underneath Tara Street DART Station, Dublin 2
If you are a Singer, Songwriter, play an Instrument or just want to jam then come to the Railway Sessions in O’Reilly’s every Thurs at 20:00 and showcase maybe a new song or a cover. All performing musicians will receive a complimentary drink. The event starts at 20:30. To contact the organisers: info@dublinsocialtv.ie An Indie-Rock Club starts immediately afterwards at 23:00. Admission free.

Every Thursday the Odeon Pub in Harcourt Street is running a Classic Movies Club from 20:00. No cover charge. The theme for May has not yet been announced and the website doesn’t list the new movies yet either. Maybe closer to Thursday that will change? www.odeon.ie/gallery.html

* Quiz Night in The Lotts Cafe Bar, 9 Lower Liffey St, Dublin 1. Every Thurs a quiz night with great prizes is taking place at 20:00/20:30 depending on football. Participation is free.
* Dimestore Recordings run a weekly event in Sweeney Mongrel’s, Dame Street (formerly Le Cirk) with a variety of bands and performers. It starts at 20:00 and the line up is here: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000163463304&sk=wall
* “Thirsty Thursday” Open Mic Night from 21:00 in the Bridge Inn in Chapelizod Village. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Bridge-Inn-Chapelizod/350005960758
* Open Music Night in Darky Kellys pub in Fishamble Street, Christ Church, Dublin 8 organised by the music duo R.E.D.. Would you like to perform or just listen? Names of contributors are taken from 21:30 and the gig starts at 22:00. www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Mic-Night-Dublin/121048244620948
* Songs of Praise, a Rock Karaoke is taking place every Wednesday (and Bank Holiday Sunday) from 22:00 in The Village in Wexford Street, Dublin 2. www.getpraise.com
* The Bionic Rats play live Reggae and Ska every Thursday in Turk’s Head from 22:00. Admission is free. www.facebook.com/TURKSHEADDUBLIN


Fri 06 May: 07:00-08:45 – National College of Ireland, Mayor Street, Dublin 1.
Business executives are invited to start their day with a new event series “Corn Flakes & Commerce” from National College of Ireland, in association with Metro Herald and Kellogg’s Ireland. The free events offer the chance to gain insight on the latest thinking while mixing and mingling with other professionals from all walks of business life. The series features outstanding, innovative speakers on a range of thought-provoking topics in the areas of management, marketing and human resource management.
It kicks off with Norah Casey, CEO and owner of Harmonia and the most recent Dragon in the Irish version of Dragons’ Den, on the topic of Creativity & Innovation. Registration will be open from 07:00 with the event starting at 07:30 and finishing up by 08:45. A free continental breakfast will be served. Places are limited and to reserve your seat, book your place online here www.ncirl.ie/News_&_Events/Events

06-07 May: 09:00-17:00 – Goethe-Institut, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The conference “Contemporary German-Irish cultural relations in a European perspective: Exploring issues in cultural policy and practice” will take place in the Goethe Institut on Fri+Sat. Admission is free, but you have to register with Heidrun Rottke, rottke@dublin.goethe.org (01 6611155).
The conference will focus on contemporary aspects of cultural policy and cultural work in Europe within the context of globalisation and cultural diversity. Cultural policy makers, cultural practitioners and academics will discuss cultural relations of the EU, the diversity of cultures vs. a common European culture, the network of cultural institutes, prospects of cultural work in times of economic crisis and the autonomy of support for the arts. A further emphasis will be laid on the Irish-German cultural relations within a European context as well as on language learning, language policy and multilingualism, issues to which the second day of the conference will be devoted. The detailed programme can be found here:

06, 13, 20, 27 May: 13:00-14:00 – Central Library, Open Learning Centre, Ilac Centre, Henry St., Dublin 1. At “Dublin Revealed” each Friday in May authors will read and speak about Dublin as revealed in their writings. The authors are Jennifer Johnson (06 May), Carlo Gébler (13 May), Kevin Barry (20 May), Paul Murray (27 May). Admission is free, but booking is required: openlearning@dublincity.ie or 01-8734333 . www.dublincitypubliclibraries.ie

Fri 06 May: 18:00 – Tower Records, 6-8 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Ryan Sheridan will perform at 13:00, Cfit will take their turn at 16:00 and finally the Hot Sprockets will be on stage at 18:00. entertainment.ie/venue_information/Tower-Records/32057.htm

Fri 06 May: 13:00 – East Wing Galleries, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. Many of the most famous artists ever to work with print-making such as Albrecht Dürer, Francisco de Goya, William Hogarth and Rembrandt van Rijn are all featured in the exhibition Old Master Prints: The Madden/ Arnholz Collection. Johanne Mullan, coordinator of the IMMA National programme, presents a gallery talk on the history of this unique collection and selected works currently on show. www.imma.ie/en/page_212381.htm

Fri 06 May: 18:00 – Eason’s, O’Connell St., Dublin 1
Trudi Canavan will be in Eason’s for a Reading, Chat, Q&A and Meet & Greet with the author of The Traitor Spy Trilogy. This is a ticketed event! Contact 01-8583815 for details. www.eason.ie/events

Fri 06 May: 18:00 – Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
“Crime Writers in Conversation: Brian McGilloway and Sean Black” is a Gutter Bookshop event on Friday. Both highly successful crime writers will talk about their novels and their writing. Admission is free. www.gutterbookshop.com


This section contains events that will happen in the future. Some of them require free tickets and it is mentioned where this is the case. Put the events in your diary and for the ticketed events hurry to request your tickets:

Sat 07 May: 12:00-14:00 Exchange Dublin, Upper Exchange Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. The Vegetarian Society of Ireland is holding a vegan bake sale as part of the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale event (www.veganbakesale.org). There will be delicious treats for sale such as muffins, cookies and chocolate cakes, all lovingly created without any animal products. Your are needed to buy the products, but some of you are as well needed before: The Vegetarian Society is looking for people to donate homemade vegan baked goods. Anyone interested is asked to please email bakesale@vegetarian.ie. The proceeds will be divided evenly between the Vegetarian Society of Ireland and World Vision Ireland’s Haiti Appeal. (The Vegetarian Society of Ireland supports both vegetarian and vegan aims.) For more information check www.vegetarian.ie

Mon 09 May: 09:30-16:00 – Croke Park Conference Centre, Jones’ Road, Dublin 3
Together with TASC, Smart Taxes will be hosting the conference “Lessons from the Crisis: Money, Taxes and Saving in a Changing World”. The euro area crisis rumbles on, but the austerity measures favoured have been unable to stabilise and revitalise economies, while the looming threats of resource peak and climate change are ignored. A new approach is clearly needed at national and European levels. Lessons from the Crisis will showcase alternative economic policies that aim to recover economic control, halt the loss of jobs and emigration and create a secure future for young and old in Ireland.
Three leading US-based exponents of the Modern Money Theory school will share their perspective on routes out of the crisis. There will also be a session devoted to pension security, and another exploring the possibilities of a new fiscal framework for Ireland. Attendance is free, lunch is included.
Register your interest at contact@tascnet.ie ien.ie/2011/04/13/lessons-from-the-crisis-money-taxes-and-saving-in-a-changing-world/

Sat 14 May: 21:00-00:00 (Gates open 20:30) – The Courtyard, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The Dublin Dance Festival is taking place from 13-28 May, but unfortunately it seems that there is only one free event. And to make sure that you are one of the first to get tickets, here are the details: The Dublin Dance Festival and Phantom 105.2 invite to the Headphone Disco “Bumper 2 Bumper” at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. The event is free but ticketed and tickets can be collected from Dublin Dance Festival Box Office at The Culture Box, 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar (opposite Meeting House Square) from Tues 03 May. So make sure that you make your way to Temple Bar after Tuesday to collect your tickets if you like Headphone Discos. www.dublindancefestival.ie

______This is odd!!______________

Please note: This section contains observations taken from the world I live in that strike me as odd. I express my personal opinion and you might not share it. If you are easily offended by opinions that are not identical with your own, please don’t read this section. ;-)

The count for the Seanad election started earlier in the week and this morning 42 of the 60 seats were filled. In this context it makes sense to have a look how this political control instance is elected and to see what power it has. In many countries there is a control instance that will be able to stop, re-direct, question or disturb the total power of a parliament and therefore of the majority in that parliament. In Ireland this control instance is the Seanad. But how come then that the Taoiseach is allowed to nominate 11 out of the 60 seats. These 11 will definitely not “control” him. And looking at the democratic aspect of the election: Does it make sense that most of you were not eligible to vote, but the University graduates of 3 Dublin Universities and 3 NUI institutions are allowed to determine 10% (6) of the seats? Why are the non-university graduates OR graduates from other 3rd level institutions than the 6 not worthy enough? And look at this: 134,000 university graduates are allowed to elect 6 candidates, but on the “vocational panels” there are only 1094 people who elect 43 candidates. There are oddnesses where every you look! Many (me included) hope that this is the very last Seanad election and that this odd, probably undemocratic and quite powerless institution (they can only delay laws), will be abolished and replaced with a more suitable control mechanism.

MySURVEY – Get rewarded for taking part in surveys. You can make your opinion count AND at the same time get vouchers as rewards or donate to a charity!

It is not yet Summer (don’t let anybody tell you it is unless the 21 June has passed! ;-) ), but enjoy the wonderful weather and the longer evenings and all the events that are happening.

Take care,



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Please note: The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Event) is not related or connected to the former fortnightly printed publication “the event guide” that you found until December 2008 in pubs and other venues.
Copyright 2011 by Joerg Steegmueller.

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