Dublin Event Guide » Blog Archive » Dublin Event Guide 904: Two precious days – Howth Guinness Oyster & Music Festival, Engineers Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Irish Orchid Society Spring Show

Dublin Event Guide 904: Two precious days – Howth Guinness Oyster & Music Festival, Engineers Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Irish Orchid Society Spring Show

Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)

Two precious days

Howth Guinness Oyster & Music Festival, Engineers Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Irish Orchid Society Spring Show


I expected that I would be able to send this week’s Dublin Event Guide EARLY, but then things fell apart in front of a hurdle and now I am even later than normal. I posted the Saturday events on www.facebook.com/DublinEventGuide but I left them in here even if it is too late. Taking them out would have meant more delay. Apologies! I Hope you will be able to use the Sunday listings and all the weekday events!

How was your last week? I hope it was a good one. And the great news is that now it is weekend and hopefully you can switch off from work for a little. If you are in a job where you even have to work at the weekend, hopefully you will get some other time off.

Most of us work 5 days a week, but did you know that in the USA the 5 day week was only introduced 100 years ago (that’s really not that long ago!). In 1926 Henry Ford introduced the 5 day, 40 hour work week and other industrialists followed Ford. But it took until 1940 for the 5-day week to be mandatory. In the UK it was even later: 1948 the 5-day week was made law.

We take 2 days off for granted, but I know a good few people who tell me that they could make better use of these two precious days. Many of the cultural events in this weekly newsletter take place on Saturdays and Sundays and when it gets warmer, even more events are weekend events.

You are different than the majority in Dublin. You are keen to know what is taking place and I am more than happy to search for free events for you. (I know the Saturdays are STILL not working out and I need to find a solution for that.) So we possibly make better use of our 2 days than many others.

All in all, we are very lucky! 5 days a week and LOTS of free events for the weekend. Could you want anything else. ;-)

If you have friends or family or colleagues that also enjoy cultural events in Dublin, let them know that they can sign up for the free weekly Dublin Event Guide newsletter at getthislink.com/DEGSignup

And if you need an even more targetted “pick-me-up”, then check out my YouTube channel where you find short (5min) videos about how to better your life. There is a video about self-doubt and self-worth, about mastering habits and setting goals and about mindfulness and a potentially life-changing video about an 10m offer. Check it out if you know that you should or could achieve more than what you have achieved in life. Something might be holding you back! www.youtube.com/@JoergSteegmueller

Donations in March:
EUR -11

(By the end of the month, this number has to reach or exceed EUR 200 to guarantee the continuation of the Dublin Event Guide.)

If the Dublin Event Guide helps you to find out about free events in Dublin, please help with a donation.

The counter here shows the current donation status. By the end of the month EUR 200 will be subtracted to pay the bills. If more money has been donated, the rest will be carried forward. If donations have stopped below the EUR 200, the missing amount will be carried over.

Last week the single wonderful person was Wendy who donated to the Dublin Event Guide. Thanks a lot. Your contribution is much appreciated.

Unfortunately we didn’t make the EUR 200 this month, so we are at minus 11 right now, but this is not far, so I am hoping for a good March.

Donations keep the Dublin Event Guide alive and it is truly a wonderful group of people who help keeping the Dublin Event Guide going. Join this exclusive group! Without donations to pay the bills I will not be able to continue.

With the above counter you know at all times where we stand and when donating is needed. Donations keep the Dublin Event Guide alive and all donors will also get some additional bonuses.

Here are some more details about donations:
Any amount is appreciated, but if you are looking for a recommendation, then I suggest a donation of 12 Euro per year. – That’s just one Euro per month and you get FOUR Dublin Event Guides for that Euro! If your funds are limited, but you still want to help, you can buy a virtual coffee for just EUR 4. All donations will be used in full for the Dublin Event Guide.

To donate, use the Dublin Event Guide Donation Page here: gturl.eu/DEGdonate. It is really easy to use and uses Stripe’s trustworthy payment processing. You can even sign up for a yearly subscription on the donation page! Yearly subscriptions will give some important financial stability and reliability to the Dublin Event Guide and are therefore very much appreciated! (Look for the RED subscription buttons at the bottom of the Donation Page.)

In case the donation page doesn’t work for you, the old links are here: You can donate via www.paypal.me/DublinEventGuide or for Revolut users among you, just use @joergbrb or now also revolut.me/joergbrb
(If possible, please send your full name and e-mail address as a message with the payment via PayPal or Revolut so that I can tell you about bonuses for donors when available.)

To buy one or two or even three virtual coffees for the Dublin Event Guide, come to the “Buy Me a Coffee” page here www.buymeacoffee.com/DublinEventG

And there is one other way to help and it is even free: If you come to www.DublinEventGuide.com and check out some of the ads and click on the ones that you find interesting, that also helps with a few cent! ?

Thank you!!

Ad Space available

If you want to reach the Dublin Event Guide readers with a message about your products or services. Just reply to this mail and let me know what you do and how I can help.

Free events in Dublin this weekend…

Saturday 01 March

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Airfield Estate Farmers’ Market 09:00-14:30 Airfield Estate, Overend Ave, Dundrum, Dublin 14 www.airfield.ie/farmers-market-at-airfield-estate
+ Supernatural Food Market – Food & Farmer’s Market 09:00-15:00 St Andrew’s Resource Centre, 114-116 Pearse St., Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thesupernaturalfoodmarket

+ Temple Bar Food Market 09:30-15:30 Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 www.lovetemplebar.com/markets-events

+ Alliance Francaise Open Day 10:00-16:00 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.alliance-francaise.ie/event-details/?eventId=1407#/ (see some more information at the bottom of this Dublin Event Guide)

+ St. Anne’s City Farm – Visit this community farm, run by volunteers 10:00-15:00 St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 www.facebook.com/Stannescityfarm/

+ Chester Beatty Museum Tour 11:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/free-public-tours/

+ Temple Bar Food Market 11:00-16:00 Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 dublin.ie/live/things-to-do/markets/

+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin www.facebook.com/BlackrockMarket/

+ Camino Society Ireland: Information Day 12:00-14:00 St. James’s Church, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/events/573359099006150
+ Silk Road Families Drop-in: Felt Animal Badges 12:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/silk-road-families-drop-in-felt-animal-badges/
+ Qigong at the Rooftop Garden 12:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/qigong-at-the-rooftop-garden/

+ Viking Ireland Family Tour 14:00 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Tour-Viking-Ireland-Family-Tour-(6)

++ All Shucked Up – Howth Guinness Oyster & Music Festival – 20+ free gigs in 7 venues (Fri 28 Feb – Sun 02 March) 14:00-midnight various locations in Howth allshuckedup.ie (Late DART Service available)

+ From Barracks to Museum: An Introduction to Collins Barracks (Bilingual tour Irish/English) – Seachtain na Gaeilge 14:00 & 15:15 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events/2025/Q1/Seachtain-na-Gaeilge-2025
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology Tour 15:30 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(3)
+ Dead Label / Catalysis / Motion Sickness / Cell Games – Gigs 19:00 Fibber Magees, 80 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/events/578917485066108/

+ Latin Fever – Dublin’s Latin Club with reggaeton, merengue, funk, electrolatino, pachangueo, dembow & more 21:00-02:30 River Bar, 1 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2 (Adm free before midnight) www.facebook.com/LatinFeverDublin

+ Alternative Karaoke 21:30 Fibber Magees, 80 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/events/1199966498387671/

+ The Shift – Gig 22:00 Tolka House Pub, 9a Glasnevin Hill, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 www.facebook.com/TolkaHousePubOfficial

Sunday 02 March

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

++ Engineers Week 2025: Rediscovery Centre Engineering Workshop (Age 6-12) 09:30 & 11:30 & 13:30 Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1235915168539 (Booking required)

+ St. Anne’s City Farm – Visit this community farm, run by volunteers 10:00-15:00 St. Anne’s Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 www.facebook.com/Stannescityfarm/

++ The Irish Orchid Society Spring Show and Exhibition 10:30-15:30 National Botanic Gardens, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 www.botanicgardens.ie/event/the-irish-orchid-society-spring-show-and-exhibition/2025-03-02/

+ Run Talk Run – Phoenix Park Run of Mental Health Peer Support Group for adults 10:50 Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 bit.ly/RTRDublin (Booking required)

++ Engineers Week 2025: Mark the Science Guy’s Rocket Building Workshop 10:50 & 12:15 & 13:45 Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1238621693829 (Booking required)

+ St. Patrick’s Park Market – Books, gifts and crafts 11:00-17:30 St. Patrick’s Park, next to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/stpatricksparkmarket/

+ Blackrock Market 11:00-17:30 Main Street, Blackrock, Co. Dublin www.facebook.com/BlackrockMarket/

++ BlockMarket – Local Design, Vintage Clothing, Arts & Crafts, Food – 70 stalls 11:00-17:00 Community Market, Charlemont Square, Charlemont Street, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/WeLovePopUpMarkets

++ All Shucked Up – Howth Guinness Oyster & Music Festival – 20+ free gigs in 7 venues (Fri 28 Feb – Sun 02 March) 13:00-23:00 various locations in Howth (Late DART Service available) allshuckedup.ie
+ A Taste of the Past – The History of Food and Drink – Tour 14:00 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events/2025/Q1/March-Tours-at-NMI-Decorative-Arts-History

+ Hugh Lane Gallery Public Tour 14:15 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/sunday-public-tours-2/ (No booking required, but limited spaces)

+ Chester Beatty Museum Tour 15:00 Chester Beatty Museum, Gardens of Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2 chesterbeatty.ie/whats-on/free-public-tours/

+ Sunday Sketching – Family Workshop (Age 6-12) – Hugh Lane Gallery 15:00-16:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/sunday-sketching/

+ An Introduction to Collins Barracks featuring Harry Clarke – Tour 15:15 National Museum, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Decorative-Arts-History/Events

+ Sunday Funday – Board Games Night 16:00-18:00 Beckett Locke, Point Square Village, Dublin 1 www.eventbrite.ie/e/847081713207 (Booking required)
+ Stella Bass, Felim Gormley & Band – Jazz Gig – Searson’s Sunday Jazz 18:00 Searson’s, 42 – 44 Upper Baggot Street, Dublin 4 www.jazzireland.ie/jazz-events/residency/6286-searsons-sunday-jazz.html

+ La Pompe it up –  Gypsy Jazz Music 19:30 Mother Reilly’s Bar, 26-32 Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 www.facebook.com/events/599473456396883

+ Jawbone : Acoustic Blues & Folk Commune  20:00-22:00 Arthur’s Blues & Jazz Club, 28 Thomas Street, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/events/2884885621692568/2884885651692565
+ Icarus Comedy 20:00-22:00 Bruxelles, Harry Street, Dublin 2 www.eventbrite.ie/e/1249328076909

+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch

And the free events for next week….

Please note: To speed up the creation of the weekday section of the Dublin Event Guide, I am experimenting with a few minor changes. One is that I am not adding the full address of the venue to all events anymore (for now). If you don’t know where the venue is, you will find it by checking the event link.

Monday 03 March

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ How to Shine on LinkedIn with Ease: 5 Essential Tips for Confidence and Impact – Local Enterprise Week 14:30-15:30 Central Library www.dublincity.ie/events/how-shine-linkedin-ease-5-essential-tips-confidence-and-impact-elaine-walsh-mcgrath (Booking required)
+ One Photograph, Many Stories – History Talk 18:30 Dolphin’s Barn Library www.dublincity.ie/events/one-photograph-many-stories (Booking required)
+ Irish language classes for beginners – Irish Language Week 19:00-20:00 Conradh na Gaeilge, Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8 www.dublincity.ie/events/ranganna-gaeilge-le-haghaidh-tosaitheoiri

+ Stand up Comedy Night – Raiders Comedy 20:30 Pillar Bar, 22-25 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2 (Booking link not working, so just go there) www.facebook.com/events/1160345211634964

+ Fáilte Swing Dancing – Free Social Dance with Swing DJs 20:40-21:30 Dublin Studio, 11 Montague Lane, Dublin 2 www.failteswing.ie/classes

+ Downtown Blues Dancing – Social Dancing with DJs 21:00-23:00 Mind the Step Cafe, 24 Strand Street Great, Dublin 1 www.facebook.com/events/1281472632925726

+ Song Cycle – Singer Songwriter Night – Open Night with special guests – Little Whelan’s 21:00 Whelan’s, 25 Wexford Street, Dublin 2 www.whelanslive.com/event/song-cycle/

+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch

Tuesday 04 March

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ The Ark Creative Hubs: Little Puffin – workshop for early years 10:00 / 11:30 Central Library www.dublincity.ie/events/ark-creative-hubs-little-puffin-0 (Booking required)
+ Create Garden Habitats – Workshop 13:00-14:30 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173661151
+ How to Grieve Well: Healthy Indicators of Coping with Loss and Bereavement – Talk 13:45 Charleville Mall Library www.dublincity.ie/events/how-grieve-well-healthy-indicators-coping-loss-and-bereavement (Booking required)
+ Welcome Tour – National Library 14:00-14:30 National Library, 7 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.nli.ie/exhibitions-events/march-person-tour-welcome-tour (Booking required)
+ Culture Club: Artist as Activist – Talk 14:30 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/culture-club-artist-as-activist-04-march/ (Booking required)

+ Songs In The Long Room – Acoustic Open Mic Session 20:00-23:00 Hynes Bar, 79 Prussia Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 www.facebook.com/events/472368905228630

+ Darkey Kelly’s Tuesday Singer Songwriter Night 19:00-22:30 Darkey Kelly’s, Harding Hotel, Fishamble Street, Dublin 8 www.facebook.com/groups/915434861959818

+ Ukulele Tuesday – Weekly Ukulele Meetup 20:00 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/UkuleleTuesday/

+ The Comedy Crunch – Comedy 21:00-22:45 Stag’s Head, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2 www.facebook.com/thecomedycrunch

Wednesday 05 March

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ GradIreland – Career Fair with 130 recruiting employers, Seminars, CV Clinic 11:00-16:00 RDS Main (Concert Hall), Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 gradireland.com/events/gradireland-live-0 (Booking required)
+ The Vanquished Writing History by Paul MacCormaic – Tour 11:30 RHA Gallery (Royal Hibernian Academy), Ely Place, Dublin 2 cultureclubdublin.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873670435
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology Tour 12:30 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(3)
+ One Photograph, Many Stories – History Talk 18:30 Walkinstown Library www.dublincity.ie/events/one-photograph-many-stories-0 (Booking required)
+ EMPOWER: Female Musical Icons – Performances and COnversations – Concert 18:30 Whyte Recital Hall, Royal Irish Academy of Music, 36-38 Westland Row, Dublin 2 riam-tickets.riam.ie/ticketbooth/shows/1173655522 (Booking required) Please note: This is not a free event, but is a “Pay what you can” event with the option of paying EUR 0. So if you can’t pay more than free, you are not excluded.
+ Find the Gaeilge i do chroí – Seachtain na Gaeilge – Learn to embrace Irish with Molly Nic Céile 19:00-20:00 Online www.nli.ie/exhibitions-events/find-gaeilge-i-do-chroi-seachtain-na-gaeilge (Booking required)

Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)

Thursday 06 March

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ Sing For Fun! Choir Workshop (weekly) 11:00-12:00 Richmond Barracks, off Bulfin Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 richmondbarracks.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173633651 (Booking required)

+ Understanding autism in children: Tips from a nurse and mother of a child with autism – Talk 10:30 Ballyfermot Library www.dublincity.ie/events/understanding-autism-children-tips-nurse-and-mother-child-autism (Booking required)
+ Workability Programme Information Session: Equal Remote Access for people with disabilities – Intreo 11:00 Central Library www.dublincity.ie/events/workability-programme-information-session
+ Highlights of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology Tour 13:00 National Museum – Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Events/2025/Q1/Public-Tour-of-the-National-Museum-of-Ireland-(3)
+ Revealing the National Library of Ireland (in Irish) – Seachtain na Gaeilge 14:00-15:00 National Library, 7 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 www.nli.ie/exhibitions-events/revealing-national-library-ireland-irish-0 (Booking required)
+ Life Drawing with Ashleigh Downey – Workshop 18:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/whats_on/life-drawing-6mar2025/ (Booking required)
+ Seachtain na Gaeilge: Expert Art Tour – Brian Maguire: La Grande Illusion (in Irish) 18:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/whats_on/seachtain-na-gaeilge-expert-art-tour-brian-maguire-la-grande-illusion-6mar2025/ (Booking required)
+ Expert Art Tour – Brian Maguire: La Grande Illusion (in English) 18:15 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/whats_on/brian-maguire-la-grande-illusion-6-march2025/ (Booking required)
+ Nutrition for Good Health with dietitian Margaret Donnelly – Talk 18:30 Donaghmede Library www.dublincity.ie/events/nutrition-good-health-dietitian-margaret-donnelly-2 (Booking required)
+ Getting Started in DSLR Astrophotography – Irish Astronomy Week 18:30 Cabra Library www.dublincity.ie/events/getting-started-dslr-astrophotography (Booking required)

Friday 07 March

 Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

+ Basic Talks: Artist Sarah O’Brien 13:00-14:00 Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 hughlane.ie/explore_learn/basic-talks-sarah-obrien/ (Booking required)

And there is more…

+++ Local Enterprise Week
This year’s Local Enterprise Week runs from 03-07 March and consists of over 300 events throughout Ireland and across the 31 Local Enterprise Offices. All events are here www.localenterprise.ie/Portal/Week/Local-Enterprise-Week-2025/Local-Enterprise-Week-2025-Events.html Many events are free.
In previous years there were some key events for a nationwide online audience. It seems that this year this was further scaled back in favour of more in-person events. In-person events definitely have some advantages (meeting people ona  different level, networking) it also has huge disadvantages as it significantly restricts the access to helpful information.
The Dublin City events are here www.localenterprise.ie/DublinCity/Training-Events/Online-Bookings/

+++ Dublin City Council Culture Company
Every week, the Dublin City Council Culture Company organises cultural events in venues in Dublin. They are events in addition to the normal events in museums, galleries and other venues. All events are free, but access is by registration only. And these events are POPULAR!! So when I get to checking them out on the Friday before they take place, the most interesting ones are usually already booked out. If you are interested, check them out here cultureclubdublin.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows (This week you only see a few, because every month a new batch is uploaded not in a rolling way, but in a month by month way.)

Is there ever a wrong time for learning a new skill or enhancing what you are already interested in? Maybe it is a language or an instrument or some technical skills? Or something completely different? Nearly every subject is there! Check out Udemy via the link below, they have thousands of courses and there is good chance that what you are looking for is available. Nearly all the courses are REALLY affordable!
The lowest price most of the time is EUR 12.99. Sometimes it even goes down further to EUR 9.99 and when that happens (about once or twice a year), I will tell you. But even 12.99 is definitely a good price for what you get! – Check out the website at www.getthislink.com/Udemy22 And if you buy through that link, you also help the Dublin Event Guide! :-)

+++ IKEA Crafting / Music / Cooking Workshops
Ikea in Ballymun runs a variety of crafting, music and cooking workshops it is always worh checking out. The workshops are free and usually go for 45 minutes. They are always for children, but the age is often not fixed. There are specific Toddler and baby workshops at times as well. Check them out on www.ikea.com/ie/en/stores/events/ikea-ballymun/

+++ Some more events:

+ Variety of Tours and talks at the National Museums in Kildare Street and at Collins Barracks www.museum.ie/en-ie/eventcalendar

+ Variety of Public Tours at the National Gallery www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on

Find Library events here www.dublincity.ie/events
and Trinity College Events here www.tcd.ie/news_events/events/?day=18&month=03&year=2024&search=week

+++ Storytelling and Toddler Groups at Dublin City Libraries
The Dublin City Libraries have published a list of Storytelling and Toddler groups for age 0-4 across the Dublin City Libraries. You can find it here www.dublincity.ie/library/blog/storytelling-and-toddler-groups-dublin-city-libraries

And this is it for another week! Have a great weekend and good new week.

Take care,

–Joerg (dublineventguide@gmail.com)


Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)

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Copyright 2025 by Joerg Steegmueller

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